Giving Up

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Kat Colton could accurately be described as terse and giraffe-like. She was so tall she could probably have an eye-level conversation with Mackenzie had he not left.

I was quite a bit more nervous for the musical audition than I was for the play auditions. I was unaware that those in the singing department were allowed to audition for parts so I felt a little untalented compared to them. In any case, I would give my best and I hoped they would pick me. I believed being a part of the musical was a wonderful opportunity. However, in a way, the department was much more boastful and advertising when it came to the plays than the musicals, since it was solely available for the theater department.

People around me were conducting voice exercises but I was not educated in any of them so I didn't do any of my own. I continued to clear my throat thinking that it would help.

Ms. Colton yelled out with a permanent scowl on her face, "Okay, freshman first for easy eliminations!"

Germaine and I glanced at each other doubtfully. The director then proceeded to calling our names in alphabetical order by first name. We then filed into the audience seats in that order. I was unaware that there would be an audience for our audition piece. I didn't like to sing in front of people. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to try out for the musical... But what if I didn't get in the play? I had to try my chance at both in the very least.

Germaine went up and sang as soothing as Celine Dion and as soulful as Whitney Huston may she rest her soul! Ms. Colton then asked her to sing the happy birthday song.

"Who me?" Germaine asked.

"No my grandfather! Who else do you see auditioning on the stage?" Kat Colton retorted.

"Oh. Alright. Sorry! Happy..."

And then it came to be my turn. After yelling out Juliette, Ms. Jones motioned for me to start.

So I slated, "Hello. My name is Juliett and I will be singing In My Life from Les Miserables."

I knew I should have been focusing on my performance but my peoples observance skills were getting the better of me making me realize that Kat Colton had rolled her eyes at my song choice. I knew I had to continue so I mustered up the courage and began.

"In my life

There are so many questions and answers
That somehow seem wrong
In my life
There are times when I catch in the silence
The sigh of a faraway song"

As I went up in the high notes suddenly my voice that was immaculate with the shower's acoustics cracked in the worst of times. 

I pressed on, "And it sings

Of a world that I long to see
Out of reach
Just a whisper away..."

Before I could even complete the verse the director screamed, "Stop! Okay thank you. Next!"

My face fell hot. My eyes welled with hot painful tears as I miraculously made my way down the stage steps with my blurred vision. Was I just stopped in the middle of a performance. Was the voice I had thought was so good actually bad?

I pushed open the door rather violently and started silently sobbing. It was the kind you knew you had to keep in but moved your chest up and down it was so fervent. Through my watery viewpoint I could see a Germaine and a tall lanky figure which was probably Nolan.

"Juliette!" they both called out simultaneously.

"Just leave me alone, you guys! I obviously suck!"

Germaine knew to leave me alone but apparently boys didn't get the clue. Nolan followed me all the way catching up with me to the bridge on Inspiration Creek. 

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