More Like Family Pt. 2

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Thunder clapped. Our only light source as of yet were the white flashes of lightning that struck. Adel leapt into my mother's lap and I grasped with one hand my dad's arm. Car alarms sounded throughout the streets. The night's weather took an unexpected turn for the worst. There went our Christmas Eve and the idea of a holiday movie "marathon." 

"There, there. It's nothing to be frightened of, Adel. It's only a little water and electricity coming down from the sky," my mother assured the eleven year old. 

I wished that I could curl up in a ball in my mother's lap right then and there as Adel had. My father got up from next to me to check up on the generator in the crawl space. Taking advantage of the pitch dark, I snuggled up next to Nolan, confronted by his arm around my shoulders. I must have been shaking because Nolan protectively kissed my forehead.

"Honey, why don't you use your phone's flashlight to find some candles! You know, your collection that costed an arm and a leg."

"See mom. This is when my scented candles come into good use. Vanilla Snowflakes and Gingerbread Tea were purchased for times like these," I joked reluctantly squirming out of Nolan's grasp and turning on my phone's flashlight. 

"Don't forget the Red Velvet one," she winked at me. 

I directed my flashlight to the floor, glad that the blush that rose in my cheeks was not visible. 


The five of us were doubled over laughing at the jokes and scary faces made by the candlelight. In my heart was the warm feeling of family and happiness. I felt jovial and content with my surrounding and wished that this day never ended. I could comfortably say that the people I care about the most were next to me.

It takes some people seconds and other's a lifetime to feel familiar with one. In my case it only took four months. 

Nolan checked the time on his phone and stated, "Oh my gosh. Look at the time. Adel, aren't you tired? It's eleven o'clock."

"We better get going. Thank you for your hospitality-"

"Nonsense! Nonsense! We can't let you out in this weather," my mother stood up.

"If you were my son I would let you drive in the weather. I'm not going to sleep knowing that you and precious Adel here are in a vehicle on slippery roads. I will drive you myself," said my father surprising me.

"I would not even entertain the notion of my husband driving in this weather. Why don't you two stay the night? I can draft an email to your parents," my mother suggested.

"That's a great idea," I agreed, "C'mon it's so dangerous out there. You've only a year of driving experience."

"No, no. After all you've done for us tonight..."

"We insist," my father confirmed.

"Alright. Only for Adel."

"Adel you will have a sleepover in my room. My bed's big enough. As a kid I never had sleepovers."

"Oh, I've had loads of them. We'll have so much fun with pillow fights and endless talks until midnight," she yawned heavily continuing, "And tomorrow morning will wake up to the presents that 'Santa' put under the tree." 

"More like we put them there," I announced purposefully to let Nolan officially know she had ceased to believe in flying reindeers and a sled in the sky. 

"Nolan, dear, you will have to make do with the couch and stay on this floor of the house," my mother stated, "I'll bring a pillow and a blanket."

"That's perfectly fine. Thank you so much," he replied.

"Goodnight!" Adel and I said as we scurried up the stairs. 


The next morning I woke up with a start to Adel jerking my shoulders. 

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

"What is it?" I groaned rubbing my eyes.

Realizing that Adel had already gone downstairs and opened my gift, I lightly scolded her, "Adel! You're really impatient, aren't you? You didn't wait for us?"

"You gave me a vintage doll?" 

"This doll had a lot of sentimental value for me. It belonged to my great-grandmother who then passed it on to my grandmother who then gave to me. My grandmother was an actress in the 30's. And now, it's yours. Take care of it, okay?"

"Cross my heart," she said with a toothy grin. 

We went downstairs to wake Nolan up in order to make Christmas breakfast for my parents, as I had done in previous years. Nolan lay on the couch as a newborn baby in a basinet; swaddled and straight, not sprawled. For a brief moment, I couldn't take my eyes off how handsome Nolan looked in his sleep. His wavy hair was ruffled and unruly. His pale complexion was reddened in the cheeks. 

"Green and red pancakes sound good?" I asked her as she jumped atop her brother.

"Princess, you're going to break my ribs one day!" he choked out.

At my laugh he looked at me saying, "Good morning, Juliette."

The scene made a thought enter my head: Nolan is the kind of guy that would make a great dad in the future.

Immediately, I mentally reprimanded myself. Calm down. Calm yourself. 


Together we had scrambled eggs, put red and green food coloring in pancake batter, flipped the pancakes, prepared sizzling bacon, and set out the plates and utensils. The sensational aroma of coffee filled the air bringing my parents downstairs. 

"Good morning!" my mother said.

"I believe this is what it would feel like to have three children, Lisa."

We all laughed at that notion. My heart was fluttery with the feeling of family in the house. After all, I'd never had siblings or cousins of my own. Thus, we didn't know what a big family felt like. 

Outside was the typical Californian scene of sunny skies. If it weren't for the wet roads one wouldn't know there was a storm last night. 


"Let's go open up your presents under the tree at home," Nolan told Adel as they exited the driveway to where they had parked on the street. It was hard saying goodbye knowing that I would never see Nolan until after New Years and the beginning of the new semester. 

When I walked into my room, I saw a mint colored box on my dresser. Immediately I realized this was probably a plan devised by Adel. I opened the box to see a silver chain bracelet with a flat heart in which was engraved in cursive J + N. I was on the verge of happy tears.

I texted him:

Me: Nolan, you did NOT have to give me another gift. This is beautiful. I will always wear it. Thank you.

Nolan: This is Adel typing for my brother bc he's driving. He says don't mention it. It came from his <3. 

Me: But I didn't buy him anything! I feel so bad. I don't deserve this.

Nolan: He says u let him and me into ur family which is the best gift u could've given him.

Me: <3 <3 <3

Nolan: Who were those directed to? Me or Nolan?

Me: Both of you... but mostly Nolan...

A/N: So that was long! It's too late at this point but I wish I made Juliette a little older. The plot encircles the character's ages. But yeah some adorable Jolan moments and events. The feels! For my own characters! Also the texting language was on purpose (disclaimer because I'm a stickler for grammar). Comment your thoughts and vote, vote, vote! 

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