Coffee Shops & Fragrances

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Friday night was as anticipated by me as a production date could have been. After eating dinner with a jealous Germaine in the dining hall, she suggested that she'd call me and I leave the phone on the whole time so she could hear. I objected, of course.

The cast was all wearing something festive and dressy; as opposed to their usual half casual/ half pajama clothing during rehearsals. Never being in the parking structure before, I observed the rows and rows of cars that belonged to the juniors, seniors, and night staff. Before, I had felt a little odd that we were leaving campus. But around me I could see many other people wanting out of the Academy on a Friday night. I had received my parent's permission, though.

Previously completely forgetting the fact that some juniors could drive as well, Nolan divided the groups of people even further allowing for everyone to have comfortable carpool seating. But there was only one problem. Edith insisted on coming along with us.

"I'm too short so my father doesn't let me drive. Nolan just let me come along in your car. Juliette and I get along just fine!"

I mentally snorted to myself.

"We're great friends," I grumbled sarcastically.

"Alright, Edith," Nolan responded as if he was incapable of breaking his code of chivalry.

And so everybody started leaving after directions were given. The streets outside of the Academy were mostly foreign to me. Especially since the lamp posts were trimmed with peppermint designed streamers and the houses decked with lights on their roofs and front lawns, the ambiance was new and jolly.

However, the tension in the car contradicted this. Personally, I was unable to show any affection around Edith whose cold, hard stares pierced the back of my head as I sat in the passenger seat. Too kind and unknowing what to do, Nolan completely averted his gaze away from me and tried to avoid the rear view mirror as much as he possibly could. My forehead was nearly pressing against the window as I tried my best to concentrate on the Holiday tunes playing on the radio. Have a holly, jolly Christmas. It's the best time of the year.

Ironic. This doesn't feel like the best time. 


I carefully took a sip of the drink I ordered, cautious so that I don't burn the tip of my tongue like the many times I had done before. The incident occurred anyways but I didn't let on to it even though my eyes probably started watering. Everyone seemed to be silenced as they savored their delectable and warm drinks on the chilly and crisp winter's night. There was neither rain nor snow, however. Hence, we sat outside of the cafe.

"Okay, everyone! I have an excercise prepared for you," Nolan proclaimed as the entire cast that had joined us let out a loud, exhasperated, and collective groan.

"I thought this was bonding and relaxing time not working time," I complained.

"Yeah. Listen to your girlfriend, Nolan," Emily said as I blushed a deep crimson.

"Anyways," Nolan coninued impatiently changing the subject, "starting from myself,  we will be doing short little commercials for our drinks to express our creativity and help our improvisational skills. I'll go now... In need of something to ward away that winter chill? There's nothing better than Peppermint Hot Chocolate. In this beverage, rich hot chocolate marries a burst of peppermint in a harmonious pairing of warm and cool."

We clapped at the impressive improvised commercial. Then it seemed to be my turn.

"I guess it's me then," I cleared my throat, "You'll relish this seasonal favorite. Devour the spicy taste of gingerbread along with cinnamon and cloves topped with a sweet molasses drizzle. This latte has the holiday spirit in every sip."

Light applause followed my spontaneously written advertisement. The rest of us went Edith going last. She raved about the simplicity about straight black coffee.


Taking a walk along the stores that were slowly closing and glancing into windows Nolan and I slowly strayed away from the group. It was getting darker earlier and colder faster. Hesitantly, Nolan placed an arm on my shoulders. Not knowing how to react I did not shrug off the display of affection like I would under different circumstances. I wasn't one to outwardly show emotion.

One shop on the cute little street was not closed. By the name of Franny's Fragrances, it was a perfume shop. There were at least fifty different scents present, all aromas tickling our nostrils. They varied from floral to citrus and were red to indigo in color. Immediately the cake scented collection caught my eye. Perfumes, body sprays, lotions, and candles were all named and formulated based on foodie favorites like Chocolate Fudge, Carrot, and Vanilla Birthday. However, one of them in particular struck my fancy. The smell of Red Velvet wafted towards me as pleasant and delicious memories flooded my brain. This was perfect for me so I wished to purchase the body spray. I flipped over the turned price tag. I was shocked as it read $58. I could not afford that! I had only brought $10 to buy my drink and I only had $6 and change of it left.

"Darn. I can't buy this. Look how expensive it is. I'll just make my mom bring me here again and buy it for me," I said dismally to Nolan.

He seemed concerned and knew that I really liked the smell. After all, he was the one that knew to buy me a red velvet cupcake. Not wanting to bring down my morale any lower, I decided to leave the overpriced store.

"Hey, you go out and catch up with the crew. I'm in need of...a cologne. I'll be there in a few minutes," Nolan said.

Suddenly feeling abandoned I walked out of the shop.


Back in the car we had grabbed Tessa before it was too late knowing for sure she would be a better companion. Nolan had a medium sized bag in his hand with what I assumed was his cologne that he purchased for himself. Curious, I inquired what he had picked.

"Is it woodsy?" I asked.

"No," he replied simply.

"Let me guess! It smells like mandarines?"

"Nope," he chuckled.

"Just tell her!" Tessa chided in most likely annoyed.

"Open the bag then," he said sneakily.

Taking the bag from the back seat by Tessa, I opened it to see holiday themed wrapping. Reaching in to grab it, I felt multiple products and thought that Nolan might've splurged and got himself the whole set. I was awestruck to pull out the full collection of the Red Velvet line.

I gasped turning to Nolan to see a smile wider than a child's when their father comes home from the military. I felt like a kid who had just received a bag of their favorite candy as I inspected the cable and lotion that accompanied what I had wanted to purchase half an hour ago.

"This gesture was incredibly sweet of you!" I said wanting to give him a hug but taking into consideration he was driving.

"Literally sweet," Tessa added from the back.

I turned around acknowledging Tessa's incredibly cheesy joke. You've got to love her. She was better than Edith, that's for sure.

A/N: You know its quite the challenge to write holiday chapters when you're currently in the month of August. Sorry this took a long time to deliver but I was at summer camp so... Hope you liked it! If you did please vote and let me know with a comment.

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