Don't Let Me Go

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A/N: The included music video is one of my favorite songs. Enjoy it as I send this heart-breaking chapter your way.

"Yes, Nolan?" I said my chest still rising up and down from the excitement of completing our show.

We had just completed our sixth and final performance of The Enchanted. My father had beamed at me from the crowd and then presented me with a new bouquet of roses to replace the wilting and week old ones. His praise meant so much to me and assured me that I was making my parents proud. Everything was going great. Perfect, in fact. I wish I'd realized sooner it was too good to be true. 

But the expression on Nolan's face was profoundly frightening. A mix of emotions, mostly negative ones, seemed to play across his face. 

"We need to talk. Privately..." he said anxiously.

"You're scaring me. What's going on, Nolan?" I asked as he led me to a quiet part of backstage.

"I should have told you this sooner but a casting company contacted me. They watched our show last week. They want me in their television series."

"And... You declined I hope. I'm sorry I'm not the one to make decisions for you but you're the one who values education and everything," I awaited an answer to my liking expectantly.

A gravid silence followed. Nolan turned away his head and when he turned back around he was tearing up. He looked in genuine pain. I feared the utmost worst.

"Juliette, I decided to accept the job offer. I wouldn't normally but under the circumstances-"

My heart sank to the pits of my stomach. Shock.

"What circumstances?"

"The amount of exposure, Juliette. Trust me it's for the better. I have to go. This is my chance. Don't make this any harder for me, please. I'm basically putting my foot in the door of the industry. Please understand!" he pleaded.

I turned away. I could not bear to look at Nolan's face. Keeping my head in the general direction of happy and commending families giving their children flower bouquets I thought to misled how just a few minutes ago with my parents congratulating me I was about to consider this one of the best days of my life. I was so happy and content with my accomplishments, what I had just achieved.

Still looking away and my throat feeling as if it were in knots I croaked, "Nolan, did I not make explicit why every New Year's Eve I just start crying uncontrollably? It's because I'm afraid. I'm afraid because I know that the year before is never going to return. The year's memories, moments, events, everything about it... none of it will ever come back to me. Ever again. This is one of my biggest fears."

When I turned back to look at Nolan his eyes appeared to have welled with tears. I felt bad. I felt pained like it was my fault. However, it wasn't so I shook it off immediately. At that moment I had no care that the composed Nolan might actually feel so broken. I was the one that was broken. I felt as if I deserved to be selfish.  

"After you enter the industry and gain all the fame you deserve, do you think we will ever get back the memories we had? All those moments and the things we did together, will they ever happen to us again? Probably not."

Then he kissed me. It hurt, not physically, but in my soul. There was a pain that felt like loss. Our lips locked like they never would before. It was a definite goodbye and there was no going back.

"We will meet again if it's meant to be," Nolan stated.

"Take this," I said scornfully ripping the bracelet he gave me one Christmas off my wrist.

I rarely took it off. It was our bracelet. The bracelet that was the symbol of our almost year-long relationship. A relationship that could be considered by most as unlikely, complex, almost star-struck.

We parted. I didn't see him at the Academy after that day. I never even heard his voice for the longest time. Never: such a strong word. 

A/N: Tragic... I know. But could I assure you by saying there are chapters to come with optimism? Vote and comment if you liked reading!

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