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Finally, after a long and arduous interview, Lara York let us go. Like a caged bird set free, I left the auditorium as fast as I could. Being extremely careful at the stairs, I heard Nolan calling after me to slow down. I ignored him picturing Edith smirking behind my back at what she had accomplished. She had made me realize that I was jealous. I was jealous of Nolan because of Edith.

Knowing this, I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know what to think knowing that I had developed feelings for my director. At what time had we suddenly transformed from being strangers, to him giving me private lessons as a tutor, to being good friends, to...this? What was this that I was feeling? Am I even allowed to feel this?

Nolan caught up with me unfortunately and took me carefully but firmly by my arm. A tingling feeling radiated from the epicenter of his touch.

"Wait up, Juliette. What wrong?"

"Really? Do you not know? Guys..."

"Okay. So you're now generalizing a gender... Tell me, Juliette."

"You like it don't you? Two people giving you attention and fighting for your attention back. It's because of the lack of attention your parents give you right?"

Nolan looked hurt at my statement. His blue eyes seemed to be holding back tears to maintain masculinity. I felt like I had just shot him. And I didn't even mean it.

"You shouldn't have gone there, Juliette. I told you those things in confidence because I trusted you."

"I'm sorry. I just need to be left alone right now."

"Me too," Nolan said as we both left each other without saying goodbyes.

The frosty air bit my face in my shame. I was confused. The only person that could help me right now was Germaine.

After I inhaled and exhaled ten times, I went up to my dorm room and explained every single thing that happened to Germaine.

"I can't believe it. I just can't believe it," was her answer.

"I can't believe that's all you've got. Come on, Germaine. You're usually the beacon of advice. Please help me!" I cried out a throaty cry in exaggeration.

Being an actress made every situation at least ten times more dramatic.

"I don't know what to tell you. I shipped Jolan too!" Germaine said.

"I'm sorry? What? Shipped? Jolan! You made a ship name too? Germaine, this is not helping me at all! Now you're telling me we looked like a couple," I said hyperventilating.

" Everybody does that. Right?"

"Ugh! How am I going to go to rehearsals tomorrow?"

Lo and behold, rehearsals rolled around. My strategy: go late but not too late so that everybody sees my entrance, blend into the crowd, and most importantly don't talk to Nolan or Edith. Basically, I would run away from my problems.

Successful in my timing, I directly went to talk to talk with Emily, one of the girls. We then directly went into rehearsing scenes. The three parties did a good job of completely avoiding each other the whole time. At the end, Nolan got permission from Lara to make an announcement.

"The cast is welcome to join us seniors who are driving up town to do a little bonding. We'll have some hot cocoa and have some holiday cheer," Nolan announced authoritatively but not as enthusiastic about the event as he was yesterday. 

On the way out, Nolan lightly tapped on my shoulder saying in a monotone voice, "I hope you can join the cast like you had anticipated. Tessa would be happy to drive you."

Stunned, I waited for everybody to leave the auditorium before I did. While I did this I checked my phone idly. 

A text from Germaine read: Apologize!!!

A/N: So many things are happening!!! If you like this chapter please vote and let me know what you're thinking!

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