[Chapter 5: Feelings]

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Franks pov

About a week had gone by after the day me and Gerard had fucked like animals not one, not two, but multiple times. It hadn't seemed to really impact our friendship and he'd been to my house twice after that day to hang out. I was worried Ray would slip up and say something about it since he knew but he hadn't, either he forgot or he just doesn't care. I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying my hair with my towel when I got a notification on my phone from instagram. It was from the group chat of me, Mikey, Ray and Gerard.

MkyWy123: Do you guys wanna hang out after school today?

RayRay_69: yeah I'm free, where do you wanna hang out?

Gearbear_way: omg we should go to the mall or smth

I picked up my phone as the notifications were coming.

Frnk1er0mustd1e: omggez lts gotohe mall

I typed extremely fast so most of the things I said were gibberish but the guys seemed to have learned the language of Iero or something.

RayRay_69: What time?

MkyWy123: we should go right after school and like take the bus

Frnk1er0mustd1e: omg ues rhat wpyld be si fun

Gearbear_way: holy shit frank learn how to spell dude
Gearbear_way: and yes taking the bus would be cool I'm down

Frnk1er0mustd1e: stfu gayrard

I laughed as I sent the last message and put my phone down to put on some clothes. My dark shaggy hair was messy after drying it. I put on a red shirt that I had wrote 'homophobia is gay' on with sharpie, gray skinny jeans with a whole on each knee a black hoodie and black fingerless gloves. I walked over to my mirror and brushed my hair before grabbing my things and walking downstairs. I threw my backpack on the couch and sat at the table.

"Goodmorning, Frank," My mom greeted me. My dad already sitting at the table looking st his phone. My mom placed plates of eggs and bacon in front of me and my dad and we dug in.


I was now on my way to school. I was on the bus and has my earbuds on. After about 10 minutes I got to school and walked to first period and sat at my desk. The teacher wasn't there yet and there a few other people that were in class already, one guy was sleeping and the other girl was doing homework.

I sat down at my desk and put my feet up, I pulled out my phone and started mindlessly scrolling through tiktok until the bell rang with was in about 10 minutes from now. About 5 minutes later Gerard walked in looking all tired. It was kind of cute. Wait what the fuck??

"Shit, you okay?" I asked and he sat down at the seat next to me.

"Yeah, I just stayed up until like 2 doing missing assignments, I haven't been doing good with my school work lately so I'm trying to catch up," he said. He carried bags under his eyes, was wearing a black hoodie and slightly lose blue jeans with rips at the knees. His nails with chipped black nail polish, his eyes lined with smudged black eyeliner.

"Aw man, that sucks. Oh you're wearing eyeliner again!! You look sick, man," I complimented and he smiled. I was hoping to cheer him up by complimenting him, but I meant it, he looked good.

"Ah, thank you," he said, smiling at me and I felt my heart flutter.

That was weird...

I nodded and smiled at him. He put his head down on his arms on the desk but his head was facing me, he closed his eyes and rested for a bit. I went back to looking at my phone.

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