5. Big day.

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(The night before)

The musicians all sat at the table together, talking among themselves, Ashley was murmuring to his band a game plan for tomorrow as that would be their FIRST big show.

Jackie was repeating it in her head, nervous to fuck up, she was nervous to be on stage to begin with. Jason and Levi sighed as Ashley said no bullying each other on stage, "Really?" Levi pouted making Ashley roll his eyes, "I'll beat you myself," Ashley said, "Yeah... No thanks, I've seen what you did to anyone that picked on Jackie... I'm good," Levi sighed making him chuckle.

"Kiddos, how ya feeling about tomorrow?" Sebastian asked, "I'm hype for it, a bit nervous but mostly hyped up," Ashley said, "You three?" Sebastian smiled, "Eh, same, it's more 50/50 though," Levi said, "Me too, I mean if it goes good then..." Jason shrugged.

"And you?" Sebastian asked Jackie, "I'm going to die," she replied quietly, "Oh you will not!" He huffed and gently slapped her hand.

"You'll do fine, you're a great guitarist, I've heard you practicing, when you played for us, you guys songs are really good," he promised, she nodded a little bit and played with her hands.

"Eww... People are gonna see my mug!" Levi gasped, "I know, I feel bad for them," Jason said, laughing as Levi slapped his arm.

"I hate you," Levi sighed making him smile widely.

Jackie kept checking the time, nervously bouncing her leg up and down, she looked at Ashley and slowly intertwined her fingers with his, he took notice of course and gently pulled her closer for a sideways hug, he rubbed her waist to relax her as her head was on his shoulder.

"We'll be fine..."

Famous last words.

Eventually the musicians went upstairs early, "Goodnight kiddos!" David called, "Night..." They waved and went to their rooms.


The next day, the musicians looked everywhere at the performing center they'd be playing at, "Where the fuck are they?" Nikki frowned, "No fucking idea man..." Sebastian sighed and walked around.

They found a room at the back and opened it, seeing Eric holding Jackie's hair as she puked into the bin, he rubbed her back soothingly and sighed a little.

"Oh dear..." David sighed, when she was finished he gave her some water and lead her to the sink, she washed her mouth out and was covered in sweat from all the wretching.

"You're a mess darling, even worse then me when I first started, that was a LOOOOOONG time ago!" David hummed, "Old man," Levi chuckled, "Shut up you little!" David huffed, "Hehe, you love me," Levi smiled and hugged him.

"You're a cheeky bastard," David smiled and rubbed his back, "You good Jackie?" Mick asked as he was close, she nodded a little and her eyes darted around.

He gently cupped her face in his hands, "You got this... Make me proud sweetie," he smiled.

Those were the best words of encouragement from your hero's...

As they made their way to the stage, Jackie was holding Eric's hand in hers, he promised he'd stand by her side for the first song or two.

A roadie was directing them and letting them know, "See those little bumps at the front of the stage?" He called over the cheers of the audience, they nodded, "Those are pyroflames, whatever you don't step in it!" He said, "Step in it! Got it!" Levi nodded making them chuckle.

"Alright, we'll open the curtain when you guys start playing alright?" He asked, they nodded and walked on.

Jackie grabbed Eric's arm, "I can't do this..." She whispered, "Yes you can, remember when we played for the clubs and you got nervous then? Remember how I told you to focus on just one person?" He asked softly, she nodded a little and he kissed her forehead, "You've got this..." He said softly and played with her soft hair, she nodded and  stood by his side.

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