10. The New Laptop.

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Ashley walked in to the room with Jackie who was giggling and hugging his arm.
"What happened this time?" David chuckled, Ashley held up a bag for them to see, "Whatd'ya get?" Sebastian asked.

They sat down and Ashley took out a box and opened it, inside was a laptop.
"I bought her a laptop because she needs one for school," Ashley said, "Aww, that's nice of you!" Tom smiled.

She hugged him making him chuckle. "Yeah yeah," he smiled and patted her head, "Small being," he chuckled, she smiled up at him so he simply smiled a bit and patted her head again.

He set it up for her and was playing with her hands.
"This little shit..." Ashley sighed and played with her soft hair, "Shit? More like whore," Jackie said and bit her lip making them laugh.

"I'm tired," she yawns, "Me too, I'm old," Ashley said, "Fuck off!" Bret huffed making him laugh.

"Yeah fuck off," Kip Winger chuckled, "No!" He smiled and played with her soft hair, "Mm..." Jackie fell asleep beside him, head on his shoulder, "Ah! My potato!" Ashley gasped and looked at her, he pecked her forehead and put an arm around her, typing with one hand to make sure it'd all work.

"Aww!" The table cooed, "Shut your holes," he said simply making them laugh, "You wake her up I'll rake your pubes out," he warned making them snicker slightly.

"Lovely," Nikki chuckled, he yawned and finished off a few more things, mid-type he fell asleep with his cheek on Jackie's head.

"Aww!" They cooed.

"Shut up," Jason groaned and put his head on the table.
"Jacey Wacey, you good?" Levi asked, he grumbled into his arms so Levi leaned forward to look into his eyes.

They were talking together and Levi hugged him making Jason sigh a bit.
"You good kiddo?" Sebastian asked, "Stupid fucking assessment and just as I deleted the questions the stupid teacher tells me to put them back in- she told us to delete them! So now I don't know what fucking paragraph belongs to which question," Jason groaned, "Ays aye, sounds stressful," They agreed.

Levi helped him through it and Jason sighed dramatically, getting 15%, "Good enough! You get flagged at 19%, gooood!" Jason groaned- it was a plagiarism checker.

As the other two woke up, Ashley helped Jackie and she ended up getting 10% , "So big brain! Thanks Ashy!" She giggled and hugged him, "Welcome," he chuckled and played work her hair.

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