Chapter 2

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Holy Land, Red line

One month later

Luffy POV

Climbing the Red line was going to be the hardest part but Tiger Fisher help him with that part. Been part of the revolutionary army and a close friend of his dad, had it's advantages. When they arrived, Luffy use his new sword to cut down the royal knights like butter. This bastards defend the Celestian Dragons while innocent people are either killed or kidnapped. They don't deserve to breath the same air. After all the guards were taken care off, he look at his father

"Give then hell, son" said Dragon "go find whoever your looking for". Luffy nodded as he use his observation Haki to look for Hancock and her sisters. This could go  two ways. As Hancock is his age, she probably doesn't have that much hate but it can also be that she already suffered enough with those despicable creatures. Luffy prays that she will not try to turn him to stone, although it may not work as she is a child. Luffy started running as he went to all the houses of the freaks and started killing guards and freeing slaves. He didn't care if they were humans, giants, minks, long-legs or fishman. He wasn't a racist and in the future that's lost, he befriended many of the races. He free them all as he kill guard after guard. Finally arriving to were he sense her

"Hold on, Hancock-chan" said Luffy to himself "I am coming for you". He cut down another guard as he destroyed the door and going to where they keep their slaves. The first thing he did, was freeing all the slaves as he did with the other houses. Finally, he arrive where Hancock and his sisters were. Hancock, even as a child was cute.

"Who are you?" Hancock ask in a childish voice, so different from the woman he meet "what do you want!"

"My name is not important right now" Luffy answered as he took out their collars "just follow me and be fast. The moment the marines arrived, this will be harder to get out of here"

"Why are you helping us?" Marigold ask

"I have my reasons" Luffy answered "reasons I will explain later. First,we need to get out of this hell"

"I hope you keep that promise" Hancock answered "because if you don't, I will make sure to find out what is my devil fruit power!". Luffy suspected that was going to happen. But Luffy decided to teased her a bit

"Sadly, it won't work unless you are a teenager" Luffy said, while laughing. A tick mark appeared her forehead.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Hancock asked annoyed

"I will tell you later" said Luffy as he block a holy knight sword and then punch him in the stomach, sending him  away "as you can see, I have to protect you three beautiful ladies". Luffy saw as Hancock and her sisters blushed a crimson red as Luffy laugh "come on"

"Right" said Hancock. Luffy smiled as they exist the mansion of the World Noble. Everything outside was in flames and the knights were running like headless chickens trying to stop the revolutionary army. He use his ability to sense ki and when he knew there wasn't anyone left on the mansion, he throw a ki blast powerful enough to blow it up to ashes "what the hell!!!!"

"Why did you that?" Marigold ask, even though Luffy could see tears in her eyes as well as her sister's, Sandersonia and Hancock

"Because you suffer in that hell" Luffy answered "so it had to go. That's justice for the crimes those freaks of nature did to you. They aren't human, they are scum. Let's go". Luffy saw the three sisters nodding at him as they continue running until they were stopped by a Celestian Dragon. He was an ugly bastard, probably because of the inbred they do

"You will pay!!!" He screech "after I kill you, I will take those girls and make them su.....". Luffy interrupted him when he cut off his head in a simple movement with his sword

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