Chapter 3

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Somewhere in the Grandline

One year later

Luffy POV

"You are getting better in your haki, kid" said Jimbei "not to mention your sword skills"

"Thanks Jimbei" said Luffy smiling. But in his head he knew what was coming. Wherever Tiger Fisher wants to be saved, would be his choice. He cannot say he knows he will die or Arlong will kill him for real or at least try to. Luffy has been the cabin boy of the Sun Pirates for a year now and he had been helping but at the same time, trying to remain hidden when the marines come. They haven't identify him or even managed to get a picture of him in the Holy Land and the blame for killing the Celestian Dragon was going to the slaves that rebelled. When former slaves contact Tiger Fisher to deliver a girl to her island, Luffy knew what was coming. When he saw the young Koala, he felt a lot of anger. She was very thin and she was afraid of everyone. Been the only human, he approached her careful "Hello there" said Luffy "my name is Monkey D Luffy"

"You are the one that help me escape" she said then "you free me". Luffy blinked rapidly at that. He freed many slaves and didn't look at them. He just free them "do you want me to clean?"

"What?. No!" Luffy said "you are free. You will never have to that again". Luffy hug the younger girl. She stiffened but hug him back as she cried on his shoulders.

"That's right, human" said then Arlong laughing "prove how truly weak humans are". Luffy look at Arlong with fury as he unleashed his conqueror's Haki, knocking the xenophobic fishman into unconsciousness, foaming coming out of his mouth

"Don't ever said we are weak" Luffy said "because I am very sure Gol D Roger could have defeat you with his eyes close"

"That's true" mumbled Jimbei, shaking his head "Roger wasn't someone who can mess with easily"

"And let's not even mention Whitebeard" Luffy said smiling at Arlong's followers, who gulped in fear "now, if you excuse me, I will help Koala get some better clothes". He then took Koala to his room, where he gave her some of his clothes and then exist the room to give her some privacy "I wonder how Hancock-chan and Robin-chan are doing"

"Luffy-aniki, I am done" Koala said. Luffy smiled at the nickname. Guess he has another sibling to protect. Luffy wonders if Sabo will fall for Koala again

One week later

Luffy could feel the marines on the island and he will tell Tiger Fisher. His observation haki was good and combined with ki and chakra, it was even stronger.

"Captain, I can feel multiple marines on the island" Luffy said with seriousness "this is a trap. Let me take Koala to her village"

"The marines will kill you, kid" said Tiger Fisher "I am sure they know I have a human cabin boy by now and they will figure out it's you"

"But they will kill you!" Luffy said, feeling the tears coming out "your my Captain, I can't let that happened!". He felt a hand on his head as Tiger Fisher smiled at him

"You are not only my apprentice, Luffy. You are my friend and besides, I can't let my Captain's successor die" he said smiling "so stay here, okay?"

"Ok" said Luffy crying. He said goodbye to Koala after she hug him. As a simbol of Koala's stay with the Sun Pirates, she ask for the Sun Pirate simbol to replace the hook of the dragon on her back. As they left, he knew what he has to do.

"You will go anyway, don't you?" Jimbei ask Luffy smiling at him

"Of course I will" said Luffy "the marines need to learned there are consequences when they attack us". Some time later, he felt as Tiger Fisher was been surrounded "Jimbei..."

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