Chapter 16

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Luffy POV

Just like last time, after they escape Laboon, he decided to fight with Laboon and promise him they will return, even whispering that he knows where one of his friends is. Luffy also decided to take Vivi and crown weirdo to Whiskey Peak, the weather become hell but at difference of the Going Merry, the Sunny was stronger and they had Franky this time. Something was very different though. Vivi blushed each time Luffy come close and even squeaks when he brings her something to eat.

"Seriously, Luffy, what did you do?" Hancock ask, giggling at Vivi's latest squeak. Luffy felt his cheeks heating up and look away

"I kind of kissed her by accident" said Luffy. Much to his confusion, Hancock burst out laughing "why are laughing?"

"You told me she falls in love with you, right?" Hancock asks him

"Well, yeah" Luffy answered "but that happened after freeing her kingdom from Crocodile's hands"

"I think you did that earlier now" Giggled Hancock

"It was an accidental kiss" said Luffy blushing

"I know" said Hancock "but it probably was her first kiss and she is probably afraid of me as well", Luffy sweet-droop at that "don't worry, I will talk to her about sharing you"

"Yeah, thank... wait what?" Luffy said but Hancock had already went to Vivi, much to Luffy's horror. Whatever Hancock told Vivi, Luffy saw as she blushed a crimson red, seconds later steam started to come out of her ears and then she passed out. But got even worst when Nami and Robin ask what happened. Luffy run off to his room as fast as possible or he would die of embarrassment as he heard the laughter from the girls

Some time later

Whiskey Peak

"Well, thanks for bringing us here" said a blushing Vivi

"We will see you later!" Said the crown weirdo. Just like last time, they jumped from the ship

"I will tell you all of you right now" said Luffy "if anyone believes what we are going to see in the next seconds, I will show you the fist of love". Coby let a out a squeak as he hold his head "Pudding, if I were you, I would hold the pervy-cook". Pudding rose one of her eyebrows. That's until the cheering was heard, welcoming them

"If I was the same person before you train me Luffy, I would have fall for it" Usopp said with honestly

"That's for sure" said Kaya laughing, much to Usopp's embarrassment

"Some many pretty girls!" Said the pervert of the crew. Luffy's eyes widened with horror at feeling a deadly aura coming from Pudding. Luffy then hug Franky, Usopp and Coby in fear

"Sanji-kun...." Said Pudding cracking her knuckles




Three huge bumps appeared on Sanji's head and face as Pudding drag him away

"Women are so scary" said Coby "I will stay single!!!"

"Super!!!" Said Franky "me too!"

"Well, I am fine with my girls" said Luffy. He noticed that Hancock, Nami and Robin were smiling at him

"I am fine with my partner as well" said Zoro, making Tashigi blushed. Sanji mumbling something but with some many bumps on his face, it was imposible to understand him and Pudding deadly aura didn't go away

"What's the plan, Luffy?" Hancock ask him

"We will party" said Luffy "and then we will teach this people who are the Straw Hats". Luffy leak a bit of conqueror's haki, making some of the people sweat a bit.

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