Chapter 15

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A few hours after Straw Hats escaped

Garp POV

"You are a freaking moron" said Garp to Smoker, who was covered in bandages on the chest "and what is this about giving a marine to a Celestian Dragon?"

"He wanted Tashigi" Smoker said "I just follow his orders"

"That's no excuse!!!!" Said Garp "they know marines are not to become slaves!!!. You know that!!!!. If I was the Fleet Admiral, I would dishonorable discharge you and send you home" said Garp "but lucky for you, Sengoku doesn't want you away because your fruit is useful. Now, what were you thinking trying to fight a pirate with a bounty of one hundred and fifty million?. Your orders were not to engage him!"

"I couldn't let a pirate get away!!" Smoker said in anger

"You are lucky my grandson didn't kill you" said Garp

"Your grandson?" Smoker said with his eyes widened

"His name is Monkey D Luffy" said Garp "well, it doesn't matter. You are forbidden to leave Longtown. If you do, you will lose your position, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir" Smoker growled. Garp had the feeling he will disobey the order but he already warned him

Close to reverse mountain

Luffy POV

"Take care of Merry" said Luffy

"Trust in us captain" said Mari "we will take care of her"

"I will do whatever I can to follow Nami's teachings" said Sonia smiling. Luffy smiled at that. Nami had been showing Sonia everything about navigation and that combined with what she learned, she become better

"And I will cook for them" said Renju "make sure they never get hungry"

"Good luck, sis" said Sanji

"Take care, little brother" said Renju "try not to be a pervert". Luffy burst out laughing, knowing that it was almost imposible for that to happen but maybe Pudding will get the pervert under control

"Yeah, right" said Zoro "the pervy-cook will always be a pervert"

"Shut up, mosehead!!!!" Said Sanji

"Who are you calling a mosehead, damn pervert!!!" Said Zoro as they crashed their heads, making the other Straw Hats sweet-droop but their fight got the attention of Tashigi and Pudding who were furious as the best moment both were punched in their heads



"That's enough!" Said Tashigi as he grabbed Zoro by the ear

"Come here, Sanji-kun" said Pudding as he grabbed him by the ear "we need to talk"

"Stop that, woman!" Said Zoro as he was drag away

"I will follow you to heaven!!!" Said Sanji with hearts replacing his eyes

"Luffy-san" whisper Coby to him "women are scary when angry"

"I agree" Luffy whispered back "at least they don't use a frying pan"

"Wait, what?" Coby said even more scared

"Ohh, nothing" said Luffy. That was too close. While he told Hancock his story, he didn't mention the frying pan of doom, the bain of all males gulping in fear. Well, Naruto never received but his friend Shikamaru and his father Shikaku were constant victims because they were too lazy

"So, why didn't you go with them?" Zoro ask "not that I don't want you here"

"Well, I guess I prefer to be with one of my saviors" Tashigi answered, making Zoro blushed "and I want a training partner"

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