Chapter 12

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Baratie, East Blue

Luffy POV

As Luffy saw Nami and Sonia go towards the Conami islands, Luffy went back as he had a feeling he will end up fighting Mikhawk. Knowing Shanks, he would have open his mouth about Luffy been the second best swordman. Luffy then felt something wrong. Mikhawk wasn't going let Zoro live!!!. That son of bitch was challenging him!!

"Gear second!!!' Luffy said as he took out Ace covered in haki and block Mikhawk's deadly attack before it touches Zoro "don't you there hurt my Nakama!!!!". He unleashed his conqueror's haki making a lot of the Krieg pirates passed out as well as some of the chefs

"You really are the second best as red hair told me" Mikhawk said smiling "I knew you will come to stop my attack, after all your haki is impressive!". Luffy block another strike as sparks were coming out and soon it was a full battle between the world best swordman and second best swordman in the world. Luffy was unleashing his conqueror's haki with each strike. Luffy then look at Zoro.

"I am sorry Zoro for interrupting your fight" Luffy said "but I couldn't let my Nakama die"

"Don't worry, Luffy" said Zoro "thanks for letting me get another chance at achieving my dream"

"No problem" said Luffy as he look at Mikhawk "I have no desire to continuing the fight, I am fine been the second best swordman"

"Very well" said Mikhawk as he jumped off to his ship and then disappeared seconds later

"That was amazing" said Zeff "is not everyday you see someone fight with Dracule Mikhawk like that"

"Thanks" said Luffy you okay, Zoro?"

"I am good, thanks" Zoro answered "I am a bit tired. He was going to kill me, wasn't he?"

"He knew I would stop it" Luffy answered "he felt me with his haki"

"You bastard!!!" Said Krieg. Luffy look at him. He was bleeding, wet and his armor was destroyed "I will kill yo....". Luffy just elbow him in the stomach, he spit blood and then fall down (Like Recoome). Luffy recently realized that Anakin, Goku and Naruto also gave him their memories. Anakin's childhood was sad, then the clone wars but he was horrified with what Anakin did on the Jedi temple but he was glad he redeem himself years later. The memories of Naruto's childhood were sad but he saw how he transformed from a clown to a hero, although he was a shitty father and husband. And his son was....well he prefers to erase that. Goku had something in common with him. Both of them live in the mountains, although Luffy at least had someone with him. He saw how he transformed from the monkey boy in the mountain to the great hero of his earth. Although he saw he had something in common with both Naruto and Goku....they both had annoying perverts in their lives. Roshi and Jiraya. Although they were their teachers, they were worst perverts than Sanji. Although Naruto wasn't any better with his pervert jutsu than he could use but he would be killed instantly by his female crewmates. He shivered if they ever found out.

"Sorry, I thought you drown" Luffy said annoyed "So sorry for interrupting your useless threat"

"He defeated Krieg instantly!!!" Said a Krieg pirate sweating  like a pig

"We are doomed!" Said another as he fall down to his butt

"Leave" said Luffy unleashing a bit of conqueror's haki "unless you want another beat down". Krieg pirates quicky run away with a small ship given to them by the chefs. Only one remained, Gin. Luffy raised an eyebrow at that

"I want to serve someone strong" he said then

"Then you can become one of my fleet commanders" Luffy said "just remember, killing civilians, plundering towns and stealing from them is not allowed. Unless the marines provoque, you won't attack them. Kill them only if necessary. Our true enemies are the absolute justice marine followers, World Nobles, Big Mom and Kaido"

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