Chapter 18

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Little Garden, Grandline

Luffy POV

"Just as I suspected" said Luffy "there is someone very powerful in here" Luffy said with seriousness

"By now, my mother will know I am alive" said Pudding "but she won't be so rash. She may think you are too cocky and can send my brothers and sisters to kill you"

"She can't exactly expose Crocodile" said Luffy "so, those children are probably making the marines think they betrayed her"

"Are all marines really that stupid?" Zoro ask. Luffy couldn't blame him, not after seeing Morgan and that rat Nezumi

"My grampa and Sengoku aren't" said Luffy "and neither are the two admirals, Kuzan and Kizaru. Since I defeat Sakasuki, and he was demoted, I don't know who is the new one but he probably doesn't either". Luffy had the feeling it's Fujitora or the one with the logia devil fruit powers to create plants but he wasn't sure "other Vice-admirals may not believe it either but Crocodile is a sneaky rat for a reason"

"So, who's our opponent here?" Zoro ask

"Probably one of Big Mom elder children" Luffy answered "Katakuri and Brulee left, so we can discard them, it had to be someone who won't be suspected of leaving"

"It can't be any of the strong ministers" Pudding said "it has to be other children who would never leave that easy"

"I don't know" Luffy said "but what I do know, is that they are strong". Luffy look up and saw a tall woman with hat. She look like she was in her late forties. She was sitting on a branch of a tree was smoking cigar

"So, Custard was right" said the woman "you truly betrayed us, Pudding"

"That's Charlotte Amande!" Said Tashigi "I don't know her bounty but it's very high"

"I will end this quick" Charlotte Amande as she took her sword but Luffy was faster as he jumped and before she could even react, he attacked her with Ace and Luffy was about to do a technique famously used by Gol D Roger

"Kamusari!!!" Luffy said, making the Charlotte woman eyes widened in horror as she put her sword to block it but when Ace touched it, there was an explosion the next second that send her flying and make her crash on multiple trees until Luffy knew she was unconscious but

"Holy shit!!!" Said Usopp with starish eyes "that was so cool!!!!"

"What the hell!!!" Said Zoro "that's...."

"That's the legendary attack of Gold Roger!!!" Tashigi finished what Zoro was about to say "where did you learned?"

"I had a great teachers" Luffy said smiling, as he remembers when Rayleigh told him about that deadly technique and even Whitebeard help him practice and refined "besides, I am not second best swordman for nothing. But that will not stop her for long" said Luffy "if I kill her, we would have Big Mom after our asses. For what I know of her, she doesn't really care about her children as they are just tools for her. She will kill them if they betrayed her or disobeyed her and she will kill anyone that kills them, just because she wants to teach the one that did it a lesson"

"The Captain is right" said Pudding my "mother is a cruel and sadistic woman. She only cares about food and nothing else. A lot of my siblings are loyal to her out of hear of losing their souls"

"Come out, before I decided to use my fists on you" said Luffy suddenly. Three people come out. One was a man with glasses with a hairstyle shape as a three, a teenage girl and the last one was a man dress as a bailarina. That make Luffy shivered alongside Sanji, Usopp and Zoro. Luffy almost burst out laughing when he saw Coby looking at the teenage girl with heart shape eyes  "So much for not falling in love, my padawan" said Luffy laughing at Coby, who blushed a crimson red

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