Chapter 7

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Somewhere in the East Blue

Luffy POV

"So, what is our first destination?" Hancock ask

"Well, we could go to where Hachi is but I feel like we will...." Luffy started until he notice something coming to them

"What is that?" Robin ask "it looks like an octopus"

"Octopus?" Luffy repeated and knew immediately who it was. He saw his crewmate jumped to the Sunny

"Luffy-san!" He said happily "how nice to see you!". Luffy notice that Hachi was worried and tired

"Is something wrong, Hachi?" Luffy ask with seriousness

"Arlong knows your here" said Hachi "and he isn't happy"

"What did you told him to come here?" Luffy asked him

"Actually, he told me to look for Nami" said Hachi "that he needs her to make maps". Luffy clenched his fists hearing that "I know it makes you angry but I help when I can"

"I know" said Luffy. Just then, he felt someone sneaking in his ship. He smiled, knowing who it was "I found her. Hey, Sonia, would you mind grabbing our uninvited guest?"

"Sure thing" she said as she went to where Nami was hiding

"Ekkk!!!!" Luffy heard Nami screamed. When he look at her, she was beaten up. Looks like she had a hell of a day. Considering she was only twelve, she was one brave kid to steal money from pirates, specially one with the highest bounty on East Blue right now

"You should know better than sneaking on my ship, kiddo" Luffy said. A tick mark appeared on her forehead. Luffy smirked as apparently she didn't like been called a kid like that but she then look at Hachi

"Hachi?" She said instead "what are you doing here?". Luffy and Hachi look at each other and sighted. Well, they have been caught together and it was better to explain before Arlong finds out

"Hachi is working for me" Luffy answered "he is my crewmate. The name is Monkey D Luffy"

"You are Monkey D Luffy!" She said a bit scared "the pirate wanted for eighty five million Berris!"

"That's right" said Luffy smiling proudly

"So, you are the one Hachi works for" said Nami gulping "he said his real captain was not joke but I never thought it was you. I guess that's how you knew my name". Luffy nodded at her. That was true, Hachi told him about Nami and how he barely managed to save her mother from been murdered by Arlong

"Calm down" said Luffy "I won't hurt you but I can help you, if you want. Arlong needs to be put down"

"You can't defeat him!" Nami said "he is too strong!". She started crying as fall down

"Nami, I used to wipe Arlong's ass with the floor every day when I was with the Sun Pirates" Luffy said "he didn't like me and I didn't like him. The only reason we didn't kill each other was because of Tiger Fisher, our Captain. I won't force you to accept my help but know this, whatever Arlong promise you, he will not fulfill it. He hates humans and for him, you are nothing more than a tool"

"Nee, Nami, Luffy is right" Hachi said "Arlong said he was going to rat you out with Capitan Nezumi as soon as you told him you have the money"

"I know" said Nami "I always knew he lied to me and was never going to free me"

"I can give you the money you need" Luffy said "just to let him think you have it"

"He will suspect" Nami said "I know he will". Luffy then saw Hancock approach her and help her stood up

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