Chapter 6

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Close to Water 7

One week later

Hancock POV

"Are you ready girls?" Asked Elder Nyon. Hancock and Robin had gotten impacient and decided it was time to meet Luffy and they gotten word he was in Water 7. So they force Elder Nyon to get them there. It was thanks to Whitebeard declaring Amazon Lily as his territory that Hancock was leaving

"We are" said Hancock, her sisters and Robin at the same time

"We have to show Luffy we are stroung as well" said Robin as she look at Luffy's bounty "eighty five million berris in just three years!. He really is amazingly strong"

"We are here" said Captain "this is a beautiful place but there are many men here"

"And they probably will be drooling when they see me" said Hancock "now I know what Luffy meant when we meet"

"But the question still remains how did je know?" Sonia ask "not that it matters. We own him"

"You better go own your own from here" said Gloriosa

"Well, hello there beautiful ladies" said a voice Hancock hasn't heard since separating three years ago". She look up and he saw Luffy. He had become very strong, if his haki was that strong just by looking at him "long time no see"

"Luffy-kun!!!' said Hancock and Robin as they went to hug him

"Pay up Sonia" said Mari. That make Hancock look at her younger sister

"Fine, here is your one thousand years" she said annoyed

"Wait, what did you beat?" Hancock ask

"That you and Robin would hug Luffy at the same time and you wouldn't care" said Mari. Hancock blush a Hinata level as did Robin. The shy girl, afraid of been betrayed again, was gone. In Amazon Lily she was protected and become another sister to Hancock and that was the reason they have no problem sharing Luffy

"Are you ready for adventure?" Luffy ask then "because our ship is ready and we will start by going to my home island. Is time I visit my little brother and my mother figures"

"What else?" Hancock ask smirking

"Well, we need a navigator, a cook, a helmsman, a doctor, sniper and many more" said Luffy "and I one to recruit some people from East Blue and start building my fleet"

"A fleet?" Sonia ask "what for?"

"With the World Government, you never know when you will need some extra help" said Luffy "and if I learned anything from been in the Sun Pirates and later with the Whitebeard pirates, is that the crew is like your family"

"Well then, is going to be Vice-captain?" Hancock ask

"I think that should be you, Hancock-san" said Robin "I would like to be the archeologist and second mate"

"Very well then" said Luffy "Sonia and Mari, you will be officers but would like to be anything else?"

"I can cook" said Sonia "not perfectly but I can learn when we have an official cook"

"I can be in the mast" said Mari

Luffy POV

"Well, let me introduce you to Franky, our shipwright" Luffy said "a small warning. He is a pervert and you will see why"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PERVERT!" Franky said annoyed "I AM A SUPER PERVERT!!!". Luffy sweet-droop as he swears he had heard that from somewhere but he didn't know where

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