Chapter 4

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Unknown Island

Luffy POV

"A what now?" Luffy ask confused. This was a HUGE change. Whitebeard offering him to become part of his crew!. What an honor!. Luffy had mature in many ways and knew that he can't reject this offer. He had to continue grow stronger, so he can beat Blackbeard in the future and besides,  he can improve his haki even more. Specially if he wants to kick Kaido's ass and take his Yonko title from him like he did before

"Become my son" said Whitebeard "I heard what you did and I am very impressed. More so with the sword you are carrying. And when you ask to leave, then you can do it. I will help you in your dream". To become king of the pirates?. But didn't he want Ace to become that?. Even if Whitebeard doesn't know Ace yet, he will in the future

"It would be an honor to be part of your crew, Whitebeard" Luffy said bowing with respect. The first time he meet him, he was far too disrespectful to him. Maybe it was because Anakin gave him something more than his sword fighting style, even when he was one crazy bastard when driving a ship and give Obi-Wan a heart attack each time it happened

"Gurararara" Whitebeard laugh "you can call me pops. You will be under my first commander, Marco"

"So, this is my new brother?" Marco the phoenix ask as he landed. Luffy smirked, as some of Naruto's personally got into him as well and combined with his own personality, it can be worst "why are you smiling like that"

"No reason, pineapple-nisan" Luffy said. That make Marco blinked and the rest of the Whitebeard pirates burst out laughing uncontrollably

"Very funny" said Marco with a tick mark on his forehead

"I like this kid!" Said another Whitebeard crewmate

"Welcome new little brother!" Said another. Luffy smiled. Ace and Sabo were now his little brothers and not his big brothers, but he has a lot of big brothers and one big sister now

"Thanks" said Luffy while looking at one very dangerous future pirate looking at him. Marshall D Teach aka Blackbeard. He started everything when Luffy was seventeen but now, the events are different. He was born one year before Roger was executed, meaning he will be eighteen when he starts everything. Seven years are left until that and Nami is two years younger than him. If Arlong attacks Conomi islands like before, then she would be ten years old. A hand put him out of his thoughts

"Luffy-san" said Hachi "what do you need me to do, Captain?". That got him an idea and could be useful for Nami not to complete distrust fishman for so many years

"Hachi, I have a very bad feeling about Arlong" Luffy said

"You think he will do something stupid, don't you?" Jimbei ask Luffy

"I am afraid his hate for humans will go too far" Luffy said with seriousness

"Then I will join him" said Hachi "I will say I changed my mind". Luffy smiled at Hachi's new personality. He make sure to teach him about certain things he was doing wrong. While he wasn't a complete idiot in the previous timeline, he did dumb things, like letting Zoro escape and that was a huge help for Luffy. Hachi did some other dumb things but Luffy doesn't remember very well what they were

"Good" said Luffy "please be careful and if he does something like slave an entire island, tell them you are a spy from Monkey D Luffy and that he is from East Blue"

"Your bounty is the same as him right now" Jimbie said "but if he really goes to the East Blue..."

"His bounty will probably not increase, as it's the Weakest blue" Luffy answered "to be honest, the World Government are idiots, considering that my grandfather, father and Gold D Roger are from East Blue. And I am too from there but my bounty is low right now"

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