Chapter 2

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"Will I have any recollection of this, once I return?" I inquired hopefully. He gave me a pointed look and shook his head. "Dr. Parker, this is your project and you made the decision to not retain any memory as well." He paused. "Forcing the outcome won't work. We've discussed this numerous times." His tone was almost authoritative, as if he were my superior. I knew he meant no harm, as his words echoed my own previously. I slumped my shoulders and gazed at my hands. "I understand, Mr. Hensley. It's just difficult, you know? I just want to be with her ..." My voice trailed off as I lost myself in thought.

"I wish you could have seen her at the cabin, moving around the kitchen like she knew exactly what she was doing," I said, my hope evident in my voice. Dr. Parker shook his head, expressing his concern. "Her reaction has been the same every time we've tried. Her brain activity hasn't changed, and I'm worried we're just going in circles." As he spoke, I felt a pang in my chest, as though a piece of my heart had crumbled. "I believe repetition is the key, Mr. Hensley. I know Kendra well enough to know that she will remember," I said firmly. With a groan, I laid back down and closed my eyes. "Please, send me back in," I pleaded.


I jolted upright as the scent of smoke penetrated my nostrils, propelling me towards the source in a panic. But what I found left me speechless, my jaw practically hitting the floor. There stood the remarkably attractive stranger, surrounded by billowing smoke, bare-chested in the kitchen. His back was to me, oblivious to my silent admiration of his finely sculpted physique.

I observed him attempting to fan the smoke away with what appeared to be his shirt, his muscles visibly flexing with each movement. As I observed him, my vision began to blur and I blinked in an attempt to regain clarity. In an instant, the scene shifted from the cabin to what seemed like a cozy apartment. I was merely a spectator, as if watching a film unfold before me. This time, however, I was the one occupying the kitchen.

I found myself trapped in my own body, devoid of any control over my movements. Dressed in an oversized man's t-shirt that draped down to my mid-thigh, my long, brown hair was lazily tied up in a bun, with a few stray strands gently framing my face. As the music filled the room, I absentmindedly hummed along, swaying my hips in rhythm while tending to a pot on the stove.

While I was facing the kitchen, I failed to notice the person entering through the door. It wasn't until moments later that they wrapped their arms around my waist and started planting kisses on my neck, trailing down to my collarbone. The rush of emotions and the lingering sensation of the kisses left me breathless.

"Shouldn't you be at school, Mr. Parker?" I inquired, turning around in his embrace. "Well, Mrs. Parker, how can I when I know my wife is eagerly awaiting my return?" He responded with a mischievous grin. With a sudden movement, he lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder. "Oh my goodness, Luke, please put me down!" I laughed, attempting to squirm out of his grasp. He playfully slapped my ass and held me firmly in place.

I let out a surprised gasp as he brought me down abruptly, feeling the couch dip beneath me. Leaning in, he pressed his lips against mine with a hunger that sent shivers down my spine. He licked my lower lip, seeking entrance, but I playfully denied him access. He groaned in response, but swiftly regained his composure as his hand trailed up my thigh until it reached my ass and he squeezed it tightly. I gasped,  which allowed  him to invade my mouth with his tongue.

His hands expertly explored my body, squeezing and caressing every inch of it. I felt a rush of heat as he kissed me and touched me, demonstrating a deep understanding of how to pleasure every part of my body. Having him this close felt so good causing an involuntary moan to leave my mouth. This only seemed to fuel his hunger as the kiss became more heated.

Suddenly, the shrill sound of the fire alarm pierced the air, accompanied by the unmistakable scent of smoke that drifted into my nostrils. I immediately jolted upright, and we both instinctively turned our heads towards the kitchen, where billows of smoke were rapidly engulfing the room.

I smacked Luke's chest signaling for him to step back, then hurried towards the stove where the pot was emitting smoke. With a quick flick of the dial, I turned off the stove.

A wave of disappointment swept over me as I noticed my homemade Alfredo sauce had burned and adhered to the bottom of the pot.

However, my disappointment quickly transformed into amusement as I looked up and saw Luke's bare back, using his shirt to disperse the smoke in the air. In that moment, I couldn't help but admire how attractive my husband was. Every inch of his sculpted body was a sight to behold.

"Good job Luke, that was our dinner," I said with a playful eye roll, trying to stifle a laugh.
As he turned around, he flashed me a smile that made my knees weak. "Baby, dinner is clearly not what I was hungry for." He said as he took a step closer. "Was?"  I questioned, raising an eyebrow. His smile turned into a knowing smirk as he caught on to my implication. "Am," he quickly corrected, closing the distance between us. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in closer as he leaned in for a kiss.

As my vision started to blur, I instinctively shut my eyes, hoping the disorientation would pass.

"Hey, are you alright? Can you hear me?"

When I reopened my eyes, I was met with Luke's intense green gaze filled with genuine concern. He was kneeling in front of me as I sat on the couch, his hands gently gripping my upper arms, his face only inches away from mine. I glanced around, hoping to find myself still in the familiar confines of the small apartment. However, my heart sank as I realized I was back at the cabin.

I turned to meet Luke's gaze once again, but this time he was no longer holding me and was standing further away. My eyes began to travel down his bare chest and stopped as I noticed bold black letters on his left pec written in cursive. I squinted, trying to make out the word that these letters formed. Since he was now standing, it was impossible for me to decipher the word from my position on the couch. My eyes quickly found another fascination as they followed down his right shoulder. Black ink formed intricate patterns as it went down his arm. Once it reached the end of his tattooed arm, my eyes fell on his toned stomach. He was divine, and I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I startled you. I was trying to return the favor," he said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Huh?" I asked, finally able to pry my eyes away from his body and look into his eyes.
"I was trying to make you some breakfast as a thank you for the dinner you made last night," he said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Well, it's the thought that counts," I assured him with a smile. He cleared his throat and walked towards the shirt draped over the couch. With one swift movement, he put the shirt back on, and I found myself disappointed as I looked at his now covered torso. Mentally, I palmed my forehead, realizing I may have made him uncomfortable with all my staring .

"Where did you go back there?" he asked, nodding his head towards the kitchen.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, pondering what I would say. Should I tell him about the beautiful scene I witnessed? How in love we were? The fact that we were married? Should I tell him about our heated moments and how I longed to feel his lips against my skin again? What if it wasn't a memory but only a daydream? I decided I would tell him, but only partially...

AN: Hey guys! Let me know what you guys think so far.

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