Chapter 1

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I woke up in a vast field in the middle of nowhere, with no recollection of who I was or how I got there. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky with a loud thud, and the word 'welcome' was emblazoned across it. As if on cue, a computer-like voice began to speak the following: "Welcome to the subconscious trials. The objective of these trials is simple: find the hidden secrets, complete the puzzle, and win back your freedom." The voice died out, and I was left with so many questions.

I felt a sudden discomfort in my arm. I looked at my forearm, as the number 6 slowly appeared. I was mesmerized by the sudden inky number on my skin. The word freedom kept circling in my head. Was I someone's possession? Had they erased my memories? Why couldn't I even recall my name?

I quickly looked around, trying to find answers, but I was interrupted by a distant, strong voice calling out, 'Hello.' I moved in closer, trying to decipher the stranger's face through the thick fog that had appeared so suddenly.

'Who are you?' I finally found my voice and was surprised at how confident it sounded, something I was not at the moment. I moved closer to the stranger until I was finally able to discern his figure.

As I looked at him, I found myself speechless once more, drinking in every one of his features. He had bright green eyes and dark hair that fell messily, yet perfectly over his forehead. His plump pink lips were shadowed by a small amount of stubble that ran down his sharp jawline.

He was much taller than me and had an olive-tan skin. Beauty marks adorned his face; my particular favorite hung right above his lip. I was completely captivated by him, which may have made him uneasy by now. At this point, his familiar green eyes completely entranced me; everything about him felt familiar. My eyes drifted back to the beauty mark above his lip, and I suddenly felt an irrational urge to kiss it. It's strange to feel this way towards someone I just met and only exchanged a few words with.

"I don't know who I am or how I got here," he finally spoke, breaking my trance. I quickly looked away, and a feeling of embarrassment washed over me. I hope he hadn't noticed my staring. Though I'm sure it was hard to miss. "Who are you?"He questioned with a quizzical look. "I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders, and began to walk away. I had a choice between walking away or continuing to stare at the stranger. I chose the latter, hoping to avoid any further embarrassment. "Where are you going?" He half-yelled as he picked up speed to follow me. "We need to find a place to sleep before it gets dark," I replied and continued my search for shelter.

As we walked deeper into the fog, I noticed a small cabin-like structure in the distance. "That looks promising." I pointed towards the cabin. We walked up the creaky stairs and approached the door. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was unlocked, so I twisted the handle and pushed it open.

We entered the cabin and I switched on the lights. The warm glow illuminated the rustic decorations that adorned the small space. The cabin appeared to be in good condition and well maintenanced. It gave me hope that we were not alone and that someone might have the answers we needed.

As we made our way through the cabin, we noticed a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom with a small bathroom. I searched through the kitchen drawers, hoping to find some food.

"I found some spare clothes in the bedroom. It looks like a couple might live here," the stranger called out, holding up the clothing as he walked back to the kitchen."I checked the bathroom and the water is functional for showering." He spoke again, I replied with a nod and continued my food search.

I found a box of spaghetti and some spices among other canned food. I turned the gas stove handle, and to my surprise, a spark ignited a flame. I moved around the kitchen as if it were second nature.

I poured water into a pot and added the box of spaghetti once it boiled. I added the spaghetti sauce, which was located next to a can of beans, to a pan along with some spices. I noticed that I had an audience as I turned around with two bowls of spaghetti.

His green eyes looked at me with such intensity that I had to look away. "Here eat up," I handed him the bowl and then made my way to the couch. The couch was large enough to accommodate both of us comfortably, but not so big that our legs didn't touch. I felt a flutter in my stomach as his knee brushed mine.

I blamed the food for the strange feeling in my stomach because I couldn't believe my body was reacting like this to a stranger.

He groaned in what sounded like delight. "You must be a chef or something of the sort because this is delicious ." He said before he stuffed another bite in his mouth. I blushed at the commendation. "Thank you," I took another bite, hoping to distract myself and hide my blush.

After we finished eating, he washed our plates and I dried them with a rag. I found myself feeling a sense of déjà vu.

" You can take the bed, I will take the couch." He said drying his hands on a spare rag. "Thank you," I smiled and headed towards the bedroom. As I lay in bed, sleep overtook me and I felt unnecessarily tired, drifting off into my dreams.


As I lay on the couch, my eyelids grew heavier until I eventually dozed off.

"Dr. Parker, Dr. Parker can you hear me?"
I heard someone say as their hands shook my shoulders.

"I believe he's waking up," the voice said once more. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in what appeared to be a hospital or laboratory, not the cabin I remembered.

Struggling to focus, I looked at the man in front of me and the memories came flooding back. It all made sense now.

I glanced to my left and saw Kendra, my beautiful wife, hooked up to various machines, unconscious. Panicking, I asked Mr. Hensley, "How is she doing? Any changes this time?"

Avoiding eye contact, Hensley replied, "I'm sorry, Dr. Parker, there has been no change in her condition so far."

"We need to consider all factors, Mr. Hensley," I said, desperation evident in my voice. "There must be something we are missing."

AN: Hey guys! I know it probably sounds so unrealistic for there to be a cabin with food and clothing that fits them both. But there is a reason and an explanation for everything. I hope you keep reading my story and I would love to hear what you think. I have recently come into some free time meaning there will be a lot more updates coming. I'm itching to finish it already!!
Do you guys like the poster? I'm open to ideas.

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