Chapter 18

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Trigger warning: This chapter includes mentions of overdosing and dying.

~2 years ago~

*Luke's POV*

I was in the midst of conducting an interview with a potential intern at Parker Industries when I received a heart-rending phone call. A hospital staff member informed me that Kendra had been rushed to the emergency room. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt as though I couldn't catch my breath.

The hospital worker's voice snapped me back to reality, and I promptly informed them that I was on my way. I left the potential intern without explanation, my sole focus now on Kendra.

In a matter of minutes, I arrived at the hospital entrance, having ran several red lights. I bypassed the lengthy line at the reception desk and approached the receptionist, urgently inquiring about Kendra Parker.

Despite her disapproving expression, I insisted that I needed to see Kendra immediately. Disregarding her instructions to wait in line, I dashed through the open entrance door before it shut.

Inside, I approached another receptionist, panting from all the running. I disclosed that Kendra was my wife, and I was extremely concerned because I had no information on why she was admitted. The receptionist, seemingly moved by my desperate tone, quickly checked her computer and directed me to Room 202 on the second floor.

Expressing my gratitude, I made my way to the elevator, relieved that I would soon be reunited with my wife.

I hurried towards the elevator, but before I could reach it, two strong arms grabbed me, holding me in place.

"Where do you think you're going? Sir, you can't just come in without checking in at reception and verifying if you're on the visitors list," one of the security guards informed me as they began to steer me away.

"I'm her husband, let me go," I said, struggling to break free from their grasp.
I managed to free my arms and composed myself.

"My name is Luke Parker. If you haven't heard of me, perhaps you've heard of my parents, Rene and Logan Parker, from Parker Enterprises. Now, either you escort me to my wife's room to verify my identity, or I will have my lawyers sue both of you for use of excessive force," I stated calmly.

Their expressions changed to one of recognition, quickly lowering their heads in acknowledgment.

I headed towards the elevator, with them following closely behind. Pressing the button for the second floor, I mentally cursed the slow elevator as it began to ascended.

When the elevator finally reached the second floor, I rushed out and made my way to Kendra's room.

Without knocking, I opened the door.

The scene inside was alarming. Kendra laid unconscious, her face drained of color. I noticed a nurse checking her vitals and cleared my throat to get her attention.

"I'm Luke Parker, her husband," I managed to say.
The nurse nodded in understanding. "I will inform her doctor that you're here."

I paced the room anxiously as I waited. The bodyguards had left, and I was growing increasingly impatient as ten minutes passed without the doctor's arrival.

A light knock on the door made me call out, "Come in."
"I'm Dr. Reynolds. Are you Mr. Parker?" he asked, and I nodded, ushering him to continue.

"Your wife was admitted for overdosing on sleep medication, but we were able to successfully pump her stomach and she is now in stable condition. Mr. Parker, I strongly recommend seeking professional treatment for her. Overdosing is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. I can have the nurse provide you with a list of psychiatric facilities where she can receive the necessary help," Dr. Reynolds explained.

I shook my head no. "Dr. Reynolds, my wife has early-onset Alzheimer's. I believe she simply forgot that she had already taken the pill," I defended.

I was in denial. It was hard to justify how many times she would have to forget she had taken the pill before it led to the overdose. I refused to accept that my wife would deliberately do something like this. I couldn't bear the thought of her leaving me alone in this world, knowing she was the most important person in my life.

The doctor looked at me skeptically, clearly sharing my doubts, but ultimately nodded and respected my decision to remain in denial.


I had been waiting for an hour, watching Kendra sleep peacefully. I studied every delicate feature of her face, trying to memorize them as if it were the last time I would see her.

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open and she looked around the room, confused. When her gaze finally settled on me, I could see the worry in her eyes as they began to fill with tears.

"Luke," she rasped, her voice hoarse from having her stomach pumped.

I quickly got up and handed her a cup of water, which she gratefully accepted.

"What happened?" I asked, needing to hear the truth from her.

She placed the cup on the side table, her eyes welling up with tears once again.

"Promise me you won't let me forget. Promise me you'll always bring me back. If I can't remember us, then I don't want to live," she pleaded.

Her words confirmed my worst fears.

"Oh god, Kendra, what have you done?" I half-yelled, frustration and anger building inside me.

"I was tired of being a burden to you. I just wanted to free you from having to deal with my broken mind. Luke, you spend your days searching for a cure for this disease and taking care of me when you get home. I'll never forgive myself for stabbing you with the fork. You deserve so much more than a broken wife," she confessed, her voice still raspy.

I let out a bitter laugh, shaking my head in disbelief. The anger inside me was indescribable.

"You are incredibly selfish, Kendra. Have you even stopped to consider the impact of leaving me? Can't you see how much you mean to me? I am willing to dedicate every moment of my life to finding a cure or caring for you because I cannot fathom a world without you in it. The truth is, I am selfish too. I refuse to let you go, whether it be to this disease or anything else.

The next time you contemplate a reckless decision, remember that if you were to leave this world, I would follow you to the heavens. If you die, a part of me dies with you. There is no Luke without Kendra. Do you not comprehend the depth of my feelings?" Tears streamed down my face, but I was resolute in conveying my message.

Kendra simply sobbed, nodding in understanding.
"I love you, Luke."

AN: Sad chapter. Suicide is never the answer. Not only are you hurting yourself but you are hurting others who care very deeply for you. If you ever feel this way, please reach out and seek attention. I am not a specialist but I would be happy to lend a caring ear.

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