Chapter 10 part 2

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*Kendra's POV*

I was currently on a 2-hour train ride to my hometown of Northampton.

After leaving the restaurant, I took a cab home and packed some essentials in a backpack.
I called my dad to let him know I was on my way. I needed some time away to reflect on my relationship with Luke. My mind was a mess, my thoughts all over the place.

I wasn't naive; I knew that what Luke and I had was genuine. It meant everything to me. However, meeting his family, especially his mother, made me realize just how different we were. While differences can be a good thing, it seemed like we might be too different.

I couldn't imagine spending my life with someone whose family didn't approve of me and might try to turn him against me. His mother, Rene, could be our downfall. As his mother, he would likely trust her words over mine, a girl he met over a year ago.

I must admit that some of my anger stemmed from learning that he had slept with Rebecca. Knowing she had feelings for him and wanted to marry him one day.

Even though it was before we met, it made me question the person I thought he was. Perhaps he was more like his mother than I realized. Or perhaps I was just angry at the situation we were put in.


I woke up in my childhood room to the sound of knocking on the front door. Peering out the window, I saw that it was already light outside. As I made my way to the door, I froze,  hearing Luke's voice.

"Please, let me see her," he pleaded.

"I don't think she wants to see you right now, Luke," my dad replied.

"Mr. Evans, I love your daughter and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. I know I messed up, but my family's values are not ones I share. Please tell her I need to see her I want her to come home," Luke's desperation was evident in his voice, and part of me wanted to go to him and comfort him.

However, I knew I couldn't let how much I cared for him cloud my vision.

"I'm sorry, son," was the last thing I heard before retreating to my room to drown in sorrow.


It had been two days since the disastrous night at the restaurant, and I hadn't left my room. I missed Luke so much that I started to doubt myself for letting go of the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me.

A knock on my door interrupted my inner turmoil.

"Come in," I said, my voice sounding fragile from all the crying.

My dad stood at my door, concern etched on his face.

"Kendra, we need to talk about this," he said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Dad, they were awful," I managed to say before breaking down into sobs.

"I know, princess, but we are not defined by our families. You can't blame him for his family or for things he may have done in the past. We are defined by our future, not our past. I can tell he cares deeply for you," my dad said, his words confusing me as I hadn't been able to bring myself to talk to him about what had happened that night.

"How do you-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Luke told me about it when I brought him dinner to his car. He hasn't left that spot, honey. I let him come in to shower and eat, but he refuses to sleep on the couch because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable," my dad informed me, his face showing deep concern.

"What the heck, Dad? Why didn't you tell me he was sleeping in his car? Something could have happened to him," I exclaimed, quickly getting up from the bed and shuffling around to put on my sandals.

"Where are you going?" my dad asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. I glanced at him, noticing the knowing smile on his face. He had shared this information with me in hopes of provoking a reaction.
"I'm going back to him, Dad. You know how much I love him, and I appreciate you telling me this. I love you, Dad," I said as I kissed him on the forehead.

As I approached his car, I saw him sleeping inside. His stubble was more pronounced, and dark circles lingered under his eyes. His once crisp shirt was now crumpled, and he appeared disheveled, a stark contrast to his usual perfect demeanor.

In hindsight, I regret not staying to address the situation and have a conversation with him instead of running away.

I knocked on the window, causing him to startle awake, nearly hitting his head on the steering wheel.

A sad smile appeared on his face as he looked at me.

I circled the car and entered the passenger side.

"Luke, what were you thinking, sleeping out here in your car? Are you fucking insane?" I half-yelled at him.

"I was going to go insane if I didn't see you," he replied, looking down like a sad puppy. I couldn't bear to see him in such a state.

I gently lifted his face with my hand. "How long have you been here?"

"Since that night. I didn't want to wake your dad, so I waited until morning to talk to you. But you didn't want to see me," he said, hurt evident in his tone.

This time, I was the one to look down, and he mirrored my actions by lifting my head up.

"I need to apologize for so many things, but I also need to explain about Rebecca," he began, but I cut him off.


"Baby I'm not entirely certain if I ever slept with Rebecca. As a teenager, I got drunk at a party at her house and woke up in just my boxers on her bed. I have no recollection of how I ended up there or what happened that night. However, she holds no significance to me. I do not care for her"

He paused, allowing me to absorb his words, but I seized the opportunity to express my thoughts.

"But you hold significance to her. Your mother approves of her. I cannot spend the rest of my life in conflict with your mother over who or what is best for you," I attempted to clarify.

"So, what I'm understanding is that you wouldn't fight for me," he responded, appearing hurt.

"That's not what I meant Luke and you know that," I defended.

"Because I would fight for you, Kendra. I would fight every day if necessary, as long as you were by my side at the end of the day," he said angrily.

"Of course, I would fight for you, Luke. I love you. I just don't want to come between you and your family," I said sternly.

He gently cupped my face with his hands.

"Kendra, why are you so fucking stubborn? Can't you see that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me? You wanted to know why you hadn't met my mother. It's because the closest thing I had to a mother growing up was Great. That's why I introduced you to her the first chance I got. I knew my mother would try to come between us, but I thought we'd be strong enough. I don't blame you for leaving dinner, but I do blame you for leaving me. If you had stayed, you would have heard me tell my mother that you are the most important person in my life, and if she continued to treat you this way, she would go more than a year without seeing me. You are my family now," he finished, placing his forehead against mine.

Tears streamed down my face. His words meant so much to me. I couldn't believe the depth of his feelings for me. It felt good to know that my feelings were reciprocated.

"I love you," I said between tears.

He wiped my tears away and kissed me gently.

"One day, I'm going to make you my wife."

An: Hey guys!! So I just wanted to give you a view of Luke and Kendra's relationship before the Alzheimers. Who's POV do you guys like more? Thinking maybe about writing in Hensley's POV soon.
Next chapter will be back to the trials.


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