Chapter 11

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An: For those of you who forgot, Riley is Mr. Hensley's first name.


*Luke's POV*

I was back at the lab, discussing with Riley the process of recovering my memories during the trials.

"I can't go back in there with my memories, Riley," I expressed, feeling overwhelmed by the thought.

"We cannot selectively choose which memories you retain. If I were to send you back without your memories, it would be akin to starting fresh. You would not recall anything from this trial" Riley explained.

"I understand, Riley," I replied, feeling frustrated by the situation.

"Fuck it! Just send me in, I'll have to figure it out as I go," I said, making my way to my bed.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind and I turned back to Riley.

"Riley, have you set up the new location? We can't go back to the building until she is ready. We were so close to opening Kendra's file," I expressed my concern.

"Yes, I have. When you follow the gravel road to the building, you'll find the new location," Riley reassured me.

I nodded, eager to see Kendra again.

Riley hesitated before asking, "Are you sure you don't want to remove your memories?"

"I'll do my best to stay in character if I go back without them, it will only backtrack the progress we've made so far, it could hinder Kendra's recovery," I reasoned.

At this point I'm not sure if I was trying to reassure Riley or myself.

"Okay, let's get this done," Riley said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.


*Kendra's POV*

I had just woken up a few minutes ago and decided to start my day with a refreshing shower. As the warm water cascaded down my body, I couldn't help but feel excited about the day ahead.

After my shower, I carefully brushed through my hair and styled it into a beautiful fishtail braid. I wanted to look my best for Luke. Our bond was growing stronger each day, filling me with hope that we would soon escape this mysterious place and return to our lives together.

Despite the unpleasant dilemma we were currently trapped in, my thoughts were consumed by Luke. He was constantly on my mind, even invading my dreams. Just last night, I dreamt of the day he proposed to me.

We were in Nassau, staying at the luxurious Atlantis resort. I was admiring the marine exhibition when Luke surprised me with a heartfelt proposal. I was overcome with tears of joy.

When he saw my tears, he frowned and asked me if I didn't like the ring. He started nervously rambling about taking me to buy a different ring. However, he hadn't realized how much it meant to me that it was his mother's ring, a family heirloom. I couldn't help but reflect on my  relationship with Rene. I wasn't sure what had caused our issues, as I didn't remember the full story, but I knew that Rene and I had clashed many times.

As I reminisced about our special moment, a knock on the door snapped me back to reality. I knew it was Luke on the other side, and my heart skipped a beat with excitement. Opening the door, I was greeted by his handsome face.

"Good morning," I greeted him with a bright smile.

"Good morning. Are you ready to head out?" Luke replied in a monotonous tone.

I eagerly agreed and suggested grabbing something to eat before we left. However, his response was brief as he headed towards the kitchen, leaving me slightly puzzled.

As we walked towards our destination in silence, the air was thick with tension. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Something had changed between us since our last conversation, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

As the trees cleared, my mind was no longer in turmoil. Instead, confusion and shock took over as I stared ahead.

Our building was gone. In its place stood a medium-sized house, with a pale yellow exterior and blue roof shingles.

My eyes started to blur, indicating another flashback was coming. I braced myself for the new information I was about to receive.


I stood outside the pale yellow house, clad in black clothing, standing next to a familiar man. Our somber expressions mirrored each other, conveying a shared sense of sorrow.

"She's gone, Dad," I sobbed, tears streaming down my face.

"I will never hear her sweet voice singing her favorite Ballard," I lamented.

"Or taste her delicious homemade cooking," I added, my voice breaking with emotion.

"Princess," my dad began, but his voice faltered as he struggled to find the right words.

The loss of my mom to cancer was devastating. She was a strong woman, but the insidious disease had taken its toll on her.

By the time she passed, she was a mere shadow of her former self.

Suddenly, small flashes of other memories began to surface.

Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya tomorrow. You're always, a day away. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya tomorrow. You're always, a day away

Sing it  again Mommy

Daddy I lost another tooth. Will the tooth fairy visit tonight.

Yes princess.

It hurts.

Come on Princess I'll buy you some ice cream.

He broke up with me mom.

"My dear girl, it is perfectly acceptable to shed tears over the loss of someone dear to you. However, it is important to remember not to waste your tears on someone who is unworthy of your love and affection. Tears are a precious gift from God, meant to cleanse and heal our souls. Allow yourself to cry for your own healing and for those who truly care for you. But never shed a tear for someone who does not appreciate or deserve the love you have to offer."

Mom! Dad! Come quick!

I got into Harvard. We did it!

I'll come visit any time I can. Take care of her old man.

Call us when you get there!

And this is my dorm.

Princess I'm afraid your mother's treatment is not working.

I'm coming home.

-End of flashback-

I opened my eyes and felt my knees buckle, causing me to hit the pavement hard. Luke was by my side in an instant.

"What happened baby? Are you okay?" he asked urgently as he lifted me up in a bridal-style embrace.

"I remember."

An: I'm sorry guys but I had to leave you on a cliffhanger.
Do you guys think Kendra got all of her memories back?
Another update coming soon!

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