Chapter 19

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*Kendra's POV*

I was rendered speechless, the only thing I could do was let the silent tears roll down my cheeks.

Luke had just finished recounting our dark past. While we had shared beautiful moments, we had also endured some very scary and heart-wrenching experiences.

"I don't think 'I'm sorry' would be enough to erase everything I have put you through," I finally managed to say.

Luke shook his head disapprovingly.

"Kendra, I would go through that and more if it meant I had you. These last few years and your condition have only made my feelings for you grow stronger, if that's even possible," he expressed.

His words made my heart race.

"Why are we here, Luke?" I questioned.

"This is part of an experiment meant to help you remember and assist with a cure," he explained.

"A cure? I wasn't aware that was a possibility," I replied in shock.

Luke reached his hand across the table to grasp mine.

"It's more than a possibility now. You've been cured," he said with care in his voice.

"What do you mean? If I've been cured, then why can't I remember?" I asked, feeling puzzled.

"Your Alzheimer's is gone, so you won't forget like you did before. However, what you are experiencing now is similar to what an amnesia patient would. We have to trigger your memories by putting you in similar scenarios," he clarified.

I nodded, and then a thought crossed my mind.

"Is this why you wouldn't sleep with me?" I blurted out, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks at my unexpected boldness.

Sometimes I wish my mind had a filter, and my mouth would think before I spoke.

His laughter filled the room as he shook his head.

"We've been together for 11 years now, yet after all this time, you still manage to surprise me," he smirked.
My mouth fell open. 11 years?

"In response to your question, I am eager to be with you, but I believe it is best to wait until we are back home. I want you to remember everything that ignites your desire, and for you to beg me to fulfill those very desires."

His words sounded incredibly sensual, and in that moment, all I wanted was for him to take me on the table. However based on his words, I knew he would refuse me.

"I wish I could remember," I pout.

"I wish you could too," he groans in frustration, running a hand through his hair.

"What do we do now?" I ask, unsure of our next steps.

"We should sleep, it has been a very eventful day," he replies, and I nod, following him to the bedroom.

To my surprise, he lies down on my bed and gestures for me to join him. As he sits up, I look at him curiously.

"Since the truth is out, I prefer to sleep shirtless. Is that okay with you?" he asks, scratching the back of his neck.

I simply nod in response, watching as he swiftly removes his shirt. From this angle, I can now see the word "Kendra" written in beautiful cursive letters on his chest.

My hand moves on its own to trace the pattern, reading aloud, "Kendra."

His skin breaks out in goosebumps as I continue to follow the cursive writing with my fingers. I look up at him with a smile, and his bright green eyes, resembling the color of the forest trees, gaze back at me with adoration.

"When did you get this?" I asked, still unable to remove my hand.

"After we started the trials," he answered, his hand reaching out to caress my neck.

I didn't have to look to know his fingers were now tracing over my birthmark, sending chills down my spine.

"Why then?" I asked, leaning into his touch.

"It served as a reminder. That you were the woman who forever had my heart," he replied.

My eyebrows furrowed. "A reminder to who?"

"Rene," he responded shortly, the explanation within the name.

Another name crossed my mind as he spoke.
"And Rebecca?" I questioned.

His eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't expecting me to remember this.

"You remember Rebecca?" he asked in disbelief.

"Not exactly. I just know Rene and I had our issues, and Rebecca was one of them," I answered truthfully.

He only nodded, but I could see the hint of disappointment in his eyes. I knew this was hard for him, and I wished I could remember everything.

I finally pulled my hand away from the spot where my name would be permanently placed for the rest of our lives. I laid down, and he mirrored my actions.

"What else has gone on since I've been gone?" I asked, wanting him to confide in me all of his burdens.

But he simply shook his head. "Nothing as important as getting you back."

I frowned, indicating my dissatisfaction with his response.

He chuckled lightly, reaching out with his tattooed hand to hold my cheek. "My stubborn girl."

"When we sleep, I wake up in real life. I need to go back to the lab and check on your progress. Your return is imminent, and I must ensure you are ready,"he explained.

"When do you sleep?'"I asked, concerned he might be tired.

"I do, in a way, when I'm here. But sometimes I do sleep in the lab to give my brain some rest," he answered.

"Do you ever go home?" I inquired.

He shook his head no . "Home is wherever you are."

I yawned, closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.

An: Here's a sweet chapter before the madness begins. I hope you guys are liking my story so far. And I'm extremely thankful for all of my readers.

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