Chapter 6

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*Her POV*

"I had a dream last night," I shared with Luke as I enjoyed some snacks from a vending machine we stumbled upon in the back of the building.

After a long and tiring day yesterday, we went to bed without eating. I was so engrossed in the dream I had that I forgot to eat breakfast before returning to our building. It wasn't until my stomach started growling that I realized how hungry I was. That's when Luke took it upon himself to find me some food, hence the vending machine snacks I was currently devouring.

"Really?" Luke asked. I nodded enthusiastically. "Tell me about it," he urged, tilting his head slightly. I found his gesture endearing, which brought a smile to my face.

"We were on a motorcycle. You were driving, and I had my hands up in the air, screaming with excitement," I recounted as he chuckled.

"Is that so?" he inquired with a playful smile, leaning in closer to hear the story. "Yes, you were taking me to an ice cream parlor by the beach," I said, absentmindedly leaning in closer to him as I shared the details of my dream. We were currently really close, so much so that I could feel his hot breath on my face.

The flashbacks and now the dream were stirring up feelings for him that I knew he wouldn't reciprocate. I wished he could experience the same flashbacks and see how perfect we were for each other. Maybe then, things could be different. The thought saddened me, and I began to pull away.

To my surprise, he gently lifted my chin and held me in place. "I wish I knew what goes through that pretty little head of yours. Always lost in thought," he half-whispered. His words sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. I glanced down at his lips, as I looked up, I noticed his eyes were also focused on my own.

He finally looked up, his eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't quite read. Memories of the kisses we shared flooded my mind, making me nostalgic. "I want to try something. Would that be okay?" he asked, waiting for my approval. I nodded, unsure of what I was agreeing to, but enjoying the attention he was giving me.

As he leaned in, our lips met, creating a sensation that was beyond words. Our kiss felt natural, as if our lips were meant to be together. I found myself running my fingers through his hair, eliciting a low, sexy moan from him. It was intoxicating and sent shivers down my spine.

His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer but maintaining a respectful distance. I longed to explore his body, but he seemed hesitant and I respected that. The warmth of his touch was inviting, and I was lost in the moment. When we finally pulled away, we were both breathless, staring at each other in silence. It felt right, and I craved more, but he abruptly turned away, suggesting we continue searching.

"We should split up. You take the top floor, and I'll search the bottom," he said, walking away without waiting for my response. I stood there, stunned and frustrated by his sudden departure.

I couldn't understand why he would initiate a kiss and then act so coldly. Anger bubbled inside me as I clenched my fists. I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind and headed upstairs, feeling worked up for no reason.

He wasn't obligated to share my feelings, and I needed to accept that reality.

*Luke's POV*

I couldn't resist any longer and kissed her. The moment was slow and sensual, but when she unexpectedly gripped my hair, it drove me wild. I quickly turned away before she could see my erection  and suggested we split up to search the building.

As I entered the room, memories of her lips on mine and the feel of her curves flooded my mind. I craved more, but didn't want to scare her off. The thought of her knowing the effect she had on me was daunting.

She was like a drug, addictive and irresistible. I pushed aside my desire and focused on the task at hand to avoid tormenting myself any longer.
However, she had other plans. Less than 10 minutes later, she stormed into the room. It was evident that she was a stubborn woman.

"You know, just because you didn't enjoy the kiss, it doesn't give you the right to ignore me or push me away, especially since you were the one who initiated it," she said, narrowing her eyes at me.

Unbelievable. She was truly unbelievable. What on earth gave her the impression that I didn't enjoy it? I had pulled her close and only released her when I couldn't breathe anymore. I even moan out in pleasure. And yet, here she was, assuming I left because I didn't like it.

"What makes you think I didn't like it?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"You're avoiding me," she said, her arms still crossed.

"I'm not avoiding you," I retorted, frowning as she only rolled her eyes in response.

After a few seconds of intense staring, she finally spoke again. "You just left," she sounded frustrated. I wanted to wipe that frustration away, so I decided I would be honest.

I took a few steps forward until I was so close to her I could touch her. She looked away from me, anger visible in her otherwise soft features. I grabbed her chin and moved her gaze back to mine.

"I left because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to control what I did next," I said in a low tone.
"What do you mean?" she asked, still not realizing the effect she had on me.

"I would have kept wanting to kiss you. Maybe even do more. Because one kiss is not enough. Not after I've had a taste," I finished by running my thumb against her bottom lip.

She shuddered at my touch and closed her eyes as if composing herself. She finally opened them back up, a fire now clear in her eyes. The next words that came out of her pretty mouth surprised me.

"And what if I want more?"

AN: They finally kissed!
This is my first story and I hope you guys like it so far. Feel free to let me know of any spelling mistakes. I will edit the story as soon as I finish it.

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