Chapter 15

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*Kendra's POV*

I was enjoying my breakfast at the dining table when suddenly the door handle jiggled and opened. A mysterious man walked in, causing my eyes to widen as he approached me with a smirk.

"Who the hell are you? Get out of my house!" I screamed, grabbing the closest object for protection.
I tightly held onto the fork as I circled the table, waiting for the stranger to make a move.

"Baby it's me. Calm down, okay? Why don't you put the fork down?" he said, raising his hands in an attempt to calm me.

However, his large tattooed hands did little to ease my nerves. As he came closer, I screamed for him to stay away.

"How did you even get in here?" I asked, trying to distract him while formulating an escape plan.

"It's me, Luke. Just put the fork down and let me explain," he said, sounding exasperated as he approached me.

In a moment of panic, I raised the fork and stabbed him in the arm, causing him to hiss in pain.

"Why did you do that, Kendra?" he asked, removing the fork and walking towards me.

Fear began to consume me as he drew closer, and I felt a sense of panic rising within me.

Suddenly, I shot up in bed, breathing heavily as I realized it was all just a dream. Or perhaps a memory.
Confused and shaken, I wondered about the meaning behind the vivid dream.

As I felt movement next to me, Luke stretched his arms and greeted me with a smile, saying, "Good morning."
Frowning at the recent memory that had haunted my dreams, I knew we needed to have a serious conversation.


"What am I supposed to think after that, Luke? Who are you to me?

We were seated at the kitchen table, engaged in a heated discussion about my dream.

"I'm your husband," he replied calmly, a noticeable contrast to my agitation.

"I don't believe you. That dream felt real, and I was genuinely scared of you. I didn't recognize you," I paused, contemplating my next words.

"Are you some kind of stalker? How do I know you're not the reason I'm here? I studied behavioral patterns and psychology at Harvard during my law career, to read people. I've been observing you since yesterday Luke. I've noticed your muscles tensing when I mention something from the past."

We stood face to face, or rather face to chest. I had risen during my speech as an intimidation tactic , forgetting our height difference and his intimidating handsomeness.

Luke sighed and closed his eyes. "Kendra, everything has an explanation. I truly am your husband." He paused, taking my hand and placing it on his chest.

"Can't you feel my heart beating erratically whenever I'm around you? I've felt yours. These feelings are genuine. Our story spans for years, even lost memories can't erase it." He finished by kissing my hand softly.

I shook my head and pulled my hand away. "You're lying, Luke. Tell me the truth or I'm leaving," anger flashing in my eyes.

"Where would you go?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Wrong answer," I replied, turning and heading for the door.

"Come on, Kendra, don't do this. There's a lot you don't know," Luke said, grabbing my arm.
I angrily pulled away from his grasp.

"There is much that I do not know because you refuse to tell me. I cannot stay with a liar. When you are ready to speak the truth, you know where to find me," I said firmly as I opened the door and stormed out.

"Where are you going?" Luke called after me as he ran outside.

"Use your many diplomas, Luke. I'm sure you can figure it out. There are only so many places I could go here," I replied, tossing the words over my shoulder.

I marched all the way to the cabin, flung open the door, and slammed it shut behind me. Making my way to the bathroom, I turned on the hot shower, needing something to calm my nerves.

As the steam from the shower fogged up the mirror, I stared at my reflection. Anger boiled inside me as I spoke to myself, "You are stronger than this. You will not be treated as a fool. You will get out of here, with or without Luke."

I wiped away the fog on the mirror with my hand, only to be startled by a dark figure standing behind me. My eyes widened, and I screamed as I turned around, ready to defend myself.

I drew my fist back, but my actions halted when I saw who it was. My mind struggled to comprehend the person standing before me.

"What the..." I began, unable to finish my sentence.
I reached out and touched her raven-colored hair, which was chin-length and straight, a stark contrast to my long brown waves. Looking up into her dark brown eyes, she gave me a devious smile.

"Don't worry, old friend. I'll fix this for us," she whispered before everything went black.

An: Hmmmm I wonder who this might be. Any guesses? Another chapter coming soon. Get ready for some excitement.

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