Magneta Chining Part 1

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This is before the Giant War, so none of that happened yet. Anyway, proceed to read!

Hi, my name is Magneta Chining, daughter of Janus, and I'm part of the Percy Jackson fan club. Basically, the we just find out everything we can about Percy, then eventually we ask him out. Most dumb girls out there just get information then tell everyone the information, but I'm smart. I find out everything about Percy and keep it to myself, feeding lies to the fan club. I'll just call it PJFC for now.

Honestly, it's hilarious. Once this girl dressed up as a dog, just because I told her that Percy likes dogs. Luckily, not many people no about PJFC, so people like the Aphrodite Cabin don't ruin it for us. Surprisingly, none of the girls in the Aphrodite cabin had a crush on Percy anymore, muttering that Percabeth was their OTP. I mean, who could resist those eight-pack abs, and his mesmerising sea-green eyes. (You guys have no idea how awkward it is to write about this) And come on, Percabeth isn't that good of a name, Perneta sounds so much better.

I have long black hair that reaches up to my butt, and like, really pretty sky blue eyes. Believe or not, I don't dye my hair, wear contacts and revealing clothes because I don't even need them! Unlike those ugly girls that look totally fake like Anniebell, I look sooooo hot and natural! (*cough* yeah right *cough*)

I walked over to Percy and started up a normal conversation, so he didn't suspect anything. After a few minutes, I saw Anniebell walking over. I quickly ended the conversation and giggled, kissing Percy on the cheek. And with that, I sashayed away. My plan was going perfectly.

Annabeth's POV

Was that another girl with Percy? I immediately became jealous. Percy was my boyfriend, my Seaweed Brain. I shook the feeling off. I was just being paranoid. Just because another girl talked to Percy didn't mean he was cheating on me. I was not going to become one of those possessive girlfriends. But when the girl giggled, kissed Percy on the cheek and strutted away like it was nothing, like she did it everyday, I almost lost it.

I kept my cool and causally walked over to Percy. "Hey Perce, who was that girl back there?" I asked, trying not to sound too interested. "Oh, no one, just a friend," Percy replied. Wasn't that what people said when they were cheating on someone? "What's her name?" I questioned. "Magneta. She's a daughter of Janus," he answered. "That's a pretty name for a pretty girl," I said, trying not to let the jealousy show in my voice.

"Wha-I mean sure, she's pretty and nice and smart and I like her-" That was all I needed to hear. Tears filled my eyes. "YOU DIRTY, LYING CHEATER! I HATE YOU! I LOVED YOU AND YOU BETRAYED ME! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!" I yelled, tears streaking down my face.

Percy stared at me, shocked. "Y-you love me?" I glowered at him. "Well not anymore, Seaweed Brain." My voice cracked when I said his nickname and I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to my cabin, not caring that Percy was running after me, or that people were staring at me. I slammed the door, locking it so Percy couldn't come in. When I reached my bunk, I collapsed and fell asleep.

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