Percy Jackson Birthday Special One-Shot Part 1

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Hi. So, I wanted to celebrate Percy's birthday (even though it's past already), I decided to reward all my lovely readers with a special Percy Jackson birthday one-shot. It's not actually his birthday, but it's a special one-shot celebrating his birthday. It's in Annabeth's POV. Percabeth is engaged. Got it? Okay.

I frowned at the dark blue, lumpy cookie. Percy had been stuck at work all day and I'd wanted to surprise him with blue cookies when he got home. I'd asked Sally to help, but since she had to go to work, I was left with a recipe, a few blue cookies to go off and a bunch of ingredients. It had seemed simple enough at first, but after ten minutes, I realized that Sally Jackson must have been a goddess at making blue cookies and making it look easy.

After taking a tentative bite of the misshapen cookie and spitting it back out (and rinsing my mouth thoroughly after), I deemed the lump nowhere near as good enough to present. Luckily, I'd planned for this to happen and had started early enough and bought enough ingredients so that I had just enough time to bake few batches.

After three more ruined batches of cookies, I realized that all along, I'd been trying to make Sally Jackson's cookies, not my own. Glancing at the clock, I decided that I had just enough time to make one more batch.

This time, I went off the recipe and added my own personal zaps to the mixture, like adding a bit of melted white chocolate to the dough and not adding chocolate chips. I mean, I love chocolate chips and all, but I had a really cute, simple idea on how to decorate the cookies.

Fifteen minutes later, I had put the blue baked, lump-free cookies in plain circle shapes on a cooling rack and gotten everything I'd needed for my idea.

After a few minutes of cooling, I started decorating the cookies, sprinkling blue sprinkles on each of the cookies, adding two white chocolate circles on them, carefully placing M 'n Ms on the white chocolate circles and finally, putting half of Sally's cookies on each of them.

When I had finished, I proudly looked at the tray of blue cookies, decorated to look like the cookie monster.

I couldn't wait for Percy to get home

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I couldn't wait for Percy to get home. After a while, I couldn't resist any longer and tried one. They tasted absolutely delicious. Like heaven in my mouth. I kept waiting for Percy to come home, and I couldn't help the knot of worry twisting in my stomach nervously. What if something had happened?

I shook it off. He was probably just caught up at work. Nothing special. But as minutes grew into hours, I became more and more worried. I couldn't IM him, because other people might have been there and I couldn't call him either, because the call would have attracted monsters.

Finally, I couldn't stand it and turned on the news. If something had happened, it would probably be on there. But when I turned it on, the what I saw made me feel sick.

BREAKING NEWS: A man has been attacked by rabid animals on Windwall Street. He was taken to New York Hospital but has been reported to be in an unstable condition. Witnesses say that he has black hair and was wearing a dark grey suit. He did not have a mobile phone with him and he was carrying a bag of unknown contents.

"Styx," I swore. I was certain that was Percy. Rabid animals? Probably monsters. I had to get to the hospital. Now.

I was about to stop it there, but I looked at the word count and I was like '598 words? Bleh.' So I'm giving you a little bit more. I know, I know, I'm awesome.

I grabbed the car keys and a packet of ambrosia and sprinted out of the apartment. I ducked into my car and turned it on, hitting the accelerator and pulling out of the spot and driving towards the hospital with a screech.

With my quick pace of more than 90 miles an hour, I was able to get to the hospital in under 5 minutes. I parked haphazardly and practically leaped out of the car, running all the way to the hospital entrance.

I raced to the front desk. "Hi, my name is Annabeth Chase and my fiancee is the man who got attacked by the rabid animals. Please, can I see him?" I spoke in a rushed manner. The receptionist shook her head. "I'm sorry, miss. You're technically not family so you can't see him. If you give me your phone number I can give you a call when you can see him." The receptionist offered politely, her expression bored and rehearsed.

I fixed her with a stony death glare. "Look, my fiancee is in the hospital in an unstable condition. He is dying and I need to see him, miss. In case you didn't hear before, my name is Annabeth Chase. As in, Chase Industries, the huge architectural firm. Ever heard of it?" My voice was low and threatening with an air of deadly calmness. Her eyes widened and she nodded furiously. "So I ask you again. Can I see my fiancee?"

"Of course, Miss Chase. Right away, Miss Chase. Whatever you say, Miss Chase." The receptionist recited. She typed something on her laptop and printed out a VIP visitor pass. I didn't think those existed, but I honestly didn't care right now.

"Please follow me to your fiancee's room, Miss Chase." The receptionist squeaked, quickly handing me the visitor pass, which I hung around my neck. She slid out of her seat and jumped up, walking towards one of the elevators. I quickly followed her, chewing my lip anxiously. I stepped into the elevator and closed my eyes.

Keep fighting, Seaweed Brain. Keep fighting.

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