Chrisse One-Shot (AU)

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Chris's POV

I couldn't help smirking as I watched Clarisse beat up some guy in the ring. Ah, Clarisse. She seemed tough on the outside, but on the inside, she was a big softie. We had been friends ever since she first helped me calm down when I broke down. I had had a crush on her ever since.

You see, I used to be schizophrenic. Somehow, it was sort of cured, but I still have voices inside my head and breakdowns, and the occasional nightmares. When she trudged out of ring, probably grumbling that the guy was too easy to beat, I took that as my chance to ask her out. Gah! I was so nervous. I would surprise her, since she didn't know I was here, then, I would, you know, ask her out.

You're not good enough for her. The cruel, mocking voice in my head taunted me. You're a weakling, she strong. She would never like you. I bit my lip, trying to ignore it. She hates you. Just like everyone else. I started breathing heavily. Why do you even bother? It's not like she'll say yes. Even if she does, she'll just die, like your mother. She died because of you. If you weren't here, your mother would still be alive right now. No. She saved me from the impact of the car. Stop! But as much as I pleaded, the world around me faded and I was greeted with a scene I never wanted to see again.

Clarisse's POV

Ugh, that guy was too easy to beat. I thought as I walked out of the ring. I was about to head to the guy to sign up for another round, when I spotted a crowd jeering and making fun of something. Curious, I walked over, wanting to see what all the commotion was about.

I pushed through the crowd, ignoring the annoyed protests. When I finally made it to the front, I saw Chris on his knees, clutching his head, probably having a breakdown, (the picture is him during/after a breakdown :( ) while people kicked him and jeered at him. "What are you doing here, Rodriguez?" I muttered to myself.

I ran over to him and glared at the people bullying him. "What the actual f*ck, everyone? What's your deal? Bullying an innocent guy and punching him and kicking him while he's having a horrible flashback? Sure, I'm not the nicest of people, but at least I'm not heartless," I said coldly. Everyone mumbled an apology and left, leaving Chris and I alone.

I shook him gently. "Come on, Chris. You can fight this. You're okay. You can do this." I murmured. He stopped shaking and opened his eyes. "Clarisse?" He asked. My face broke into a smile. "Who else would it be, Rodriguez?" I replied. He grinned back, although it didn't seem genuine. In fact, he looked slightly worse than the state he was in before. He kept avoiding my eyes and he seemed to be nervous (I'm playing it down, he looked terrified) about something.

And suddenly, he spoke. "Clarisse, I was, um, wondering if you'd maybe go on a date with me?" he blurted out. I was shocked. I'd never been asked out before. Well, I had, but it was by egotistic jocks, and I never had wanted to, so I beat them up. This time, I actually wanted to go. "I mean, you don't have to. I was just wondering," he said hurriedly. Then, I smiled. "Of course, Rodriguez. What makes you think I'd say no?"

Annnnnnnd cut! Yeah, I know. It's short and terrible. I'm gonna make a part 2, which is their date. Keep voting, commenting and (hopefully) enjoying!

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