Magneta Chining Part 2

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Annabeth's POV

For the next few days, I spent my time in the Athena cabin, staring at nothing, my face blank. I never slept, ate or drunk. Percy would come every single day, trying to explain. I didn't listen, mostly because I wanted to ignore him, but partly because Malcolm wouldn't let him in. But finally, after 5 days of not eating, drinking, or sleeping, Malcolm let him in out of sheer panic of my health.

Percy came in and sat by my bed. He didn't say anything. There was just a comfortable silence. Finally, I broke down, crying and sobbing my eyes out. Percy held me in his arms and stroked my hair. He murmured comforting words, but his voice was cracked and dry, as if he hadn't had any water either. "Wise Girl. I'm here now. It's okay. Everything's okay," he soothed.

"B-but," my voice shook. "H-h-her, and y-y-you. Y-you l-l-l-l-" I broke down, my body wracking in sobs. Percy hugged me, one of the heartfelt, warm hugs that Percy always gave. "It's okay, you don't have to continue," he said comfortingly.
I shook my head and took a deep breath. "Y-you l-l-love her, not me. I-I-I don't w-w-want to get in the, the, the way of your r-r-r-relationship with M-m-m-magneta." I said softly, pulling away from him.

Percy looked shocked. "Why would you think that? Annabeth, look at yourself. Sure, she's pretty, nice and smart, but you're the most talented, gorgeous, intelligent and kindest person I've ever met. Magneta's nothing compared to you. Nothing." Then he kissed me. Not like the soft, sweet, ones we'd shared before, this time he kissed me with love and passion. Obviously, I kissed back with the same intensity.

Sadly, we had to pull apart for air. Stupid air. "You'd better get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow," he turned to leave. But just when he reached the door, he turned back. "Oh, and Annabeth? I love you too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He turned and left, shutting the door behind him. And with that, I drifted off to the land of Hypnos, Percy's words still etched in my mind.

Okay. I know it's super short, and I'm sorry, but that's the best I can do. I'll probably make a Part 3, when they confront Magneta or something, but that's it for now. I'm probably gonna post a Chrisse one-shot next, but there's gonna be 2 parts. Again, sorry for the very short update, I didn't know what else to put in it. Thx for reading!

~livelovelaugh5377 xxx

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