Chapter Twelve

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I sat in the living room watching Rise of the Guardians, while Kian was out getting his hair dyed and Peyton was sleeping. Jack Frost was my favorite. His platinum blonde hair got my every time.


I turned around and saw Kian in the doorway. His hair was dyed platinum blonde.

"Just like Jack Frost!" I giggled as I stood up.

Kian rolled his eyes and laughed a bit.

"And I like Jack Frost!" I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"We should watch Frozen!" Kian suggested jumping up and down like a child.


Kian put Frozen on and I plopped my butt on the couch. I snatched my blanket off the floor and covered myself in it. Kian decided to take the blanket so I of course scooted over to snuggle with him.

"You know Kian. I think Jack Frost and Elsa would be a pretty cute couple," I giggled.

"Jelsa. Too bad we still would be cuter than them," Kian responded.

"True. But like imagine if they made a movie about Jelsa. Love struck Elsa who has been in love with Jack Frost since she can remember. But Jack dates other girls to forget about Elsa because he thinks she doesn't feel the same way. And then one day something happens and Jack realizes that Elsa is the one for him, but Elsa is dating another guy. KIAN THAT WOULD BE A BOMB MOVIE!"

"Vivid imagination. But I'd watch it."

"Maybe I'll make it while you're on tour."

On tour. I can't believe he's leaving for tour in a few days. It's weird to think about. But maybe I can finally start writing. I've been wanting to write a lot recently and without Kian here I don't really have anything to do except watch Pey, who sleeps all day.

"Babe I'm going to take Peyton upstairs and to bed. You coming?" Kian asked.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll turn off the tv." I responded.

I flew up the stairs because I wanted to beat Kian to bed. I don't know why but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my competitiveness.

I hopped into bed and pulled the covers over my body. The house was pretty cold, but it was comforting.

"Mads, you realize we're going to bed at 7:30 right?" Kian asked.

"Yeah. But it doesn't mean we have to go to sleep. We can talk and stuff," I responded scooting as close to Kian as I could.

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?"

"Random stuff. Like who much I am in love with your hair. It's like..... perfect."

"Awe thanks babe. What are your plans while I'm on tour?"

"Well I was thinking about writing. And of course watching Peyton."

"Oh whatcha going to write about?"

"Anything. Like maybe stuff that happened that day. Or possibly a book. I have no clue."

"Sounds great. Whatever you do will be perfect."

"Awe thanks Kian."

We stopped talking for a while and I gazed around the room. There are so many memories in here. I'm really going to miss this place. I hope someone if know will buy it because I still want to see it once in a while.

"Madi I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep. I love you. A lot." Kian whispered.

"Love you too babe." I kissed his cheek and then grabbed my phone.

I pulled up twitter and decided to tweet soemthing.

Bomb night. Watched Rise of the Guardians then Frozen with Kian. #jelsa.

I turned off my phone and shut my eyes. I realized that this will be one of the last nights Kian will be sleeping next to me and I don't want to miss a second of it.


Hey guys. Im legit thinking about writing a Jelsa book and posting when I finish one of my other books. I think it would be really cool and I LOVE JACK FROST. and jelsa. But mostly Jack Frost.

Anyways hope you like this chapter. Nothing really special happen except a cute moment. I love you guys. Thanks for reading.

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