8. Engagement

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“So, it is final, the day after tomorrow we will get both engaged than--’’

Are they even serious, I mean, I have a problem it's too early please! I can't even interfer into the elders. As I was searching for him

But ..

“Isn't it too early, sorry to talk In between but--

“Anirudh! I know you have work to do but if we wrap this engagement early so we can get a time to fixed a date of your and Gautami's Marriage’’ ha ha they are just hurry to send me off so they can just live peacefully i know!

Finally that 6'2 feet looked at me, i really wants to ask him which toothpaste he used, like who smile all time?

Don't why, but he was just giving me some signal which are far away to understand. He again did some signs by eyes--

“Gautami, please come inside with me” mumma pull me into kitchen and slam the door behind with angry face

“yarr, Mumma now what?”

“ohh hoo, you are asking me what?
First tell me what was that?” i confusingly stare at her

“don't act like a innocent, I saw you were signalling Anirudh something, no?”

🫸 wait! What?

“Mumma it was not me but him, ask him not me” i angrily leave kitchen and straight went to my room, thankfully no one called me

For sure, my mumma don't understand me at all, can't she just
Leave it..

“gautami?” a slow voice was outside of my room and i knew who is it and i won't open the door

“Before I break your new Cricket kit my dear bestie leave, right now” for a few seconds he was silent but a muffle sound could be heard is he crying?

“Gautami, open the door, please”

“yaar” with much force I open the door and was ready to throw the chappal which was in my hand but

“woah, Miss Bumper, I'll mind it if you'll hit me with chappals” again miss bumper

“firstly, Mr. Anirudh sarode myself Gautami jadhav, not Miss bumper and secondly, you Mr. Sanket leave before i break your legs” all i see is my soon to be life partner laughing what so funny?

“come inside, Mr. Anirudh”

“don't be a formal now you can call me by my name”

“That's the point, Gautami? Call me by my name than I will” ohh he blush too

I really wanted to run out of this room right now, I'm not uncomfortable, but it's weird, I was never alone with any guy in my room except sanket and dada but it's is different

Not only that, he is sitting on my bed without even my permission and this creepy guy smiling at me widely.

I stood there, suddenly I feel a hand approach mine as he grab my arm “I suggest you to leave it--

“sorry if I'm going too far” and i nodded at yes

“i just wanted to have chat with you, so, how's your preparation for your studies, and yaa please don't take tension I'll not stop you from pursuing your career/ dream I'll support you at every stage”

You all can say, this made her smile, this assurance she wanted. Her studies and her dream job is important for her, and for that she can go any limits.

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