15. Fresh feelings?

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Peace is what they heard and felt when they entered Buddha Vihar for relaxation. To Calming their mind a hint of satisfaction and smile crept on their lips when they meditated there for 2 mins only. It was enough to make their day happy and jolly. Exiting the vihar that's when Gautami said

“Dada, isn't it the most satisfying place and also a peaceful too?” in answer he just nodded his head.

Walking to the other side of road had to cross the road. Which is the most disturbing thing to do. “Madam I'm not your driver or anything, come fast I have work to do” she made those irritating faces and caught his hand in  her to cross the road.

“You know what dada?” she asked and was successful ignored by him. A big round of applause please

She waited for  that 'Hm' or 'Yes' but no. There was no response until they finally reached at parking port.

“Now tell me what you were saying ---

He turn to his left to asked her what she was saying but she was looking at something to serious that it made him to stare what's there. Turning to more at her gaze his face turned red and angry.

“Stop!” he shows his hand as stop sign and held gautami's hand in his but!

“dada please --” he throws the deathly glare at her and at the person infront him.

“Don't worry I'm not here to clear anything. It just I'm here to congratulate Gautami on her wedding that's it” said the person with a straight face. While forwarding his hand to shake with gautami

“Sahil know your limits!” siddharth immediately pull her to his side and yank his forwarded hand. But with this action sahil who just chuckle and pull his hand back and smile at his ex- bestfriend and said “I know my limits”

“oh wow than last time I'm warning you stay away from my sister, if I saw you near her again, i will not hesitate to show my side to you, sahil” with this he show her inside the car and was about to go inside but stop at his track and turn to his back again

There gautami who was all confused and angry for the behaviour of her brother. But she just keep quiet.
Siddharth called out sahil's name

“Hey, Sahil Marathe, listen here!” sahil who just hummed at him and saw gautami peeping outside. Which makes him a smile a little after long time. “yes!”

“You and your team are invited to my sister's wedding for work so be there!” siddharth smirk after saying this and waited for the reply but only to happen this

“For your information Siddharth jadhav we don't take orders like this and too we don't play 'Dhol' at weddings so keep your invitation to yourself --

“you are invited as my friend, sahil please!” she meddle in between them to make both of them shocked. After this sahil nodded his head at gautami and walk out of there she knew she fucked up and she'll not accept it.

Siddharth entered into the car slaming back the door and started the car and start driving aggresively. Well she is use to it. Both the siblings didn't utter any words or anything. For him she did such a immature and worst thing to invite him at wedding. Don't know but he got the wrong feelings by him.

Anyways it was now all dawn time and they still haven't reached their home. Making family worried for them.

After a long hour ride gautami immediately got off from the car and straight went inside her room ignoring her mother calling out her name. Closing the room's door behind her she quitely sat on the floor while keeping her head in between her legs.

For like minute she was not herself her mind was not working a bit of it.
Another minute she just wanted to scream her heart out but she can't.

She buried her head more into her legs “Stop all these with feelings gautami. You are not like this” she kept repeating those words continuously.

Her mind was screaming for forgetting the meet but her heart never allow her to leave sahil from it. The moment she saw him she found herself back and she felt that. She was living there. For a moment she thought she can't believe it but yes he was there. She talks to him.

But her mind is playing with her. Showing her the mirror of reality check that she is engaged with Anirudh. She met him some hours ago. Assure him to love him. Treat him right. But what's gotten into her now. Her soul still is there, where she meet sahil.

“STOP!” a louder than she can scream she screams cause she can't handle this. “stop! Stop! Please stop this, please i can't take this!” she pulled her hairs harshly somewhat she is mentally unstable now after meeting with sahil.

She wants to cry but there's no tear in her eyes. All she needs is someone who will calm her at this situation.

She heard a loud bang on her door “Open the door gautami, are you okay?” when she heard the voice immediately she opens the gate of her room and let her Vahini to come inside.

Getting inside she saw how miserably gautami was shattered. Locking the door and sat front of gautami.

“I heard you scream, gautami, you don't look okay, tell me what happened?” she calmly tries to handle the situation. But no response.

“You can share it with me, I'll help you out--

“can you stop my feelings for sahil which are still alive? Will you help me to stop going all mentally unstable? Will you?” she was shocked as much as angry to listen the first half sentence.

“No you can't help me please go-- couldn't even complete the sentence when hard slap was landed on her cheeks with burning sensation.

“Vahini please I am not feeling good, i wants to cry but i can't. This feelings are killing me help me” Aditi pulled Gautami to lay on her lap. While caressing her hair and back to calm her down. Observing gautami she can say she needs someone who will bring back her and it's only one person that is Psychiatrist only if she is on that stage. But her behaviour and her emotions are screaming she needs to consult a psychiatric.

“What happened there, did something happened there which disturbed you this much?” with Aditi caressing her she was zoning out but still replied

“while coming back we met sahil”

“Than what happened?”

She waited for the reply but she was dreft into the sleep on her lap so she sat there quietly and kiss her forehead but she heard gautami was mumbling in her sleep which shocked her

“I love sahil”


15 part 〽️

Published: 11 may, 2024

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Published: 11 may, 2024

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