Why'd You Have To Twist The Knife?

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Song: Bigger That The Whole Sky
Something tingled in the back of my mind that I couldn't place my finger on.

'So why did you lead me all the way out here?' I asked, confused.

'Cos, I have a job to do'.

'Oh, well I wish you luck with that, but I have a girlfriend to get back to so imma just nosy on outta here'.

'Yeah, no you're not'.

I raised my eyebrows; this kid had some audacity.

'I'm sorry?'

'I have a job to do' she repeated, pulling a dagger out of her jacket and walking up to me with it pointed at my heart. My heart rate increased but I forced myself to stay calm. 'And this job requires your presence'.

'Do I know you?'

'Nah, I think you saw me at that café a couple days ago, and you might have noticed me at that party last night. Or in the bushes out the front of your house'.

'You're my stalker?'

'Well duh. Anyway, I'm bored, and I need to be quick with this so here's a thank you gift from my mother! She would say, karma is the sweetest revenge, but I prefer: there's nothing I do better than revenge. Or, lately I've dressing for revenge. I haven't really figured it out yet'.

'Wait, Karma is your mum?'.

She rolled her eyes 'Technically, adopted daughter. She took me in and trained me up! I'm her right-hand girl' she swung the knife around her finger lazily. 'You know, I don't really want to do this, I have plenty more important targets so let's just get this over with'.

'You're name isn't actually Betty, is it?'

The girl scoffed. 'No, it's Beautiful Eyes. Betty is a weak name'.

'Don't tell Folklore but I agree' I mumbled. 'Wait. You don't happen to know anything about what happened to Midnights do you?'

'Ehh, I might. What's it to you?'

'She's my friend'.

Beautiful Eyes raised her eyebrows. 'Do I have to right person? I was informed you were bitter and rude apart from your wimpy girlfriend'.

'She's not wimpy. She's kind, and smart and gorgeous. She's always there for me and has put up with me her whole life, she means the world to me and I don't need you to tell me otherwise. I'm not sure why I'm telling you this because I really want to tell her right now'. A tear appeared in my eye, the thought of her made me want to sob because of all she's been through. She went through hell and back for me. I didn't deserve that, I'm a horrible person. She'll probably be better off without me anyway.

'Cute sob story. Um. Can I kill you now?'

'What? Bro- just shut up'.

Beautiful Eyes charged up to me and tried to stick the tip of the knife into my stomach. I jumped to the side and punched her in the head, I didn't really want to hurt her too badly, she was just a kid. She kicked one of my shins and I fell to my knees cursing. Why are kids so good at kicking shins? Ouch. I dragged her down and we rolled around for a bit. She was a brilliant fighter for a 17-year-old. Despite this, I was able to get on top of her and hold her down. Unfortunately, I forgot about her free hand which was holding her dagger. She smiled at me before plunging it into my stomach. I let out a scream and my eyes went wide. She grunted and twisted the blade before pushing me off her.

'Bye bye baby' Beautiful Eyes giggled before skipping away. I barely noticed, my vision was cloudy, and my breath was coming out in short, strained gasps. I could feel that she had punctured some vital organ. I slowly dragged myself into a sitting position and rested myself on a tree. Don't take the knife out Rep, you'll bleed out. I thought to myself. As my life ebbed away I realised there was one voice I needed to hear.

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