falling ?

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Your p.o.v
This past month i have been feeling really weird well it only happens when I'm around luffy but it's with no one else. Yesterday me and luffy were playing hide and seek and I decided to hide in the kitchen cabinets

When luffy found me. He told me I was great at playing hide and seek I blushed.  And when he helped me out he grabbed my wrist and I felt a jolt of electricity go through my entire body.

I got up from the bed and went into the kitchen. Sanji saw me "y/n swan" he said swirling around towards me with heart eyes. "What does beautiful
girl want to eat" sanji said. I thought for a second "can I get rice cakes I'm not that hungry" I said. "Whatever you want y/n swan" sanji said swirling back to the stove.

While sanji was cooking I just kept thinking about luffy and things that make me blush. His playful spirit, his dedication of being king of the pirates,   his laugh.

I was interrupted with my thoughts by an explosion. I looked at sanji who was pissed because I'm sure what he was making just went on floor.

I ran out the of the kitchen to see the rest of the crew fighting off marines.

I got in the action. "THREAD THREAD: SLICE" I yelled out using my devil fruit power to slice up as many marine ships as possible. Some of the marines came on board our ship.

How stupid are they? I backed away a little until I hit someone back I looked it was zoro. "Y/N get out of my way" zoro said. Sanji started yelling at him saying that he was in my way.

"THREAD THREAD: PISTAL" I yelled out holding out my hand and a bunch of tiny threads came out hitting the marine's head.

Franky used the cola to get us away from the marines. "Is everyone okay" luffy asked we all nodded. "Y/N SWANN I'LL HAVE YOUR FOOD READY SOON" sanji yelled running towards the kitchen.

Luffy heard what sanji said he stretch out his arms then a big crash was heard in the kitchen. Then yelling from sanji

I started having a giggle fit. "y/n wanna fish with me?" Usopp asked.
I nodded a yes. Usopp helped me up.

"I love fishing with you ussopp it's peaceful" I said. "Well I am going to be the greatest worrier of the sea there's nothing more peaceful than that" ussopp said. I chuckled at him.

than we heard a loud bang in the kitchen. Me and ussopp turned around to look what was going on.
"LUFFY STOP EATING THE FOOD THAT WAS FOR Y/N" sanji yelled out with another bang after. Luffy came out of the kitchen with a bunch of lumps on his head.

Just looking at him made my heart flutter. "Luffy let sanji cook and do something else" nami said. I turned around paying attention to my fish again.

"hey luffy come over and fish with us!" Usopp yelled across the ship.
Usopp why did you do that ugh.

Soon enough luffy was sitting next to me with a fishing rod. It feels like my heart is coming out its chest its thumping so loud.

I look over he was smiling at the ocean. I quickly looked away so he wouldn't notice me staring. I blushed thinking about his smile again.

Oh man I think I'm doomed I think I'm falling for luffy. I can't fall for the captain.

A/n usopp and nami are your best friends in this story. Also what do you think about this chapter? Do you like it?

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