luffy vs john baker

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Luffy p.o.v
I got up from my bed and walked out of my room and walked back out. Everyone was staring at me "what happened luffy" zoro asked.  I sighed loudly out of frustration "nami get thousand sunny to set sail we will be getting out of here as soon I'll get back" I said turning around to jump off the thousand sunny.  They were calling out to me but I ignored them.

It hurts me that y/n was going through so much pain throughout her life. I'm going to beat this john guy up. I made my way to island and started asking about john baker is they will either dont know or ignore me all together.

I walked up to a small clothing store "excuse me ma'am do you know where john baker?" I asked the lady looked up from her money "yes he is at y/a" she said I thank her and I started speed walking towards the address.

When I walked up to the house I stretch out my right leg and I kicked in the door. I walked in the house and saw a guy sleeping on the couch. That must be the guy I punched him in the face to wake him up. He fell off the couch "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?WHO ARE YOU?" John yelled. "Who I am doesn't matter but what I'm doing here well you hurt a friend of mine and I'm here to kick your ass" I said getting in the position to fight.

"Second gear" I said john doesn't look impressed. "GUM GUM PISTOL" I yelled out. I started punching as I could he went to the floor immediately i kept punching him getting my anger out on him.

John started to bleed on his face.  stopped punching him. John started breathing heavily. "What did I do?" John asked out breath. I ignored him and I grabbed his shirt and picked him up off the ground and threw him across the room. I walked up to his bloody body and bent down to him.

"You don't deserve to live after what you did to y/n" I said in his ear. "What she saying whatever she said is lie" John said. I kicked him in the face. He spit out some teeth on floor. He got up slowly looked at me with anger on his face. He swung at me but missed wildly because of my haki he kept swinging at me but I kept moving away from him.

I grabbed his left hand and I grabbed his right hand I started bringing them all the way back until his wrist snapped. John started screaming blood murder. He started to crawl away from me but I stomped his leg to stop him. "Where do you think you're going john we are just beginning" I said looking at him. I started dragging him to the kitchen.

I threw his legs down started walking a little away from him. "now forth gear" I said looking at john who looked like he's fixing to past out. "GUM GUM FUSION" I screamed out. I twisted my body around then blew out the air and started flying at him.

I started punching him even harder than I was last time. After a few minutes john started making a dent on the floor but I threw my punches even harder now I  started screaming out of anger. Then the floor gave in taking john with him. I stretched out my arm to move away from the floor caving in.

I looked down and saw john was past out. I looked around and my eyes landed on a couch I walked over there and started dragging the couch over where the hole is. After that I started walking back towards the ship.

I hoped on the ship. Everyone looked up from what they were doing to look at me. "Luffy where did you go" robin asked. "I went to beat up a guy that
y/n was having trouble with" I said

"Nami let's get out of here" I said
Nami started walking towards the ship's wheel and started steering away from this island. I walked back towards my bedroom and I saw y/n sleeping soundly. Don't worry y/n your worries are gone because I took care of him.

I took off my shirt and shorts and the only thing that was on me was my boxers. I took off my hat and put it down on the dresser. Then I climbed in my bed laying down and slowly going to sleep.

A/n sorry if this chapter took so long I was dealing with a family matter but I'm back now

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