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Your p.o.v
I opened my eyes and search the room that I was in I looked over to my left and saw a sleeping luffy. How did I get in luffy room? I looked over at Luffy's head and saw a clock it read 5:00 am. I moved the covers and slowly got out of Luffy's bed and walked out of the room and headed towards the sunny head and sat down on it.

I hope luffy won't see me differently now when I told him about my past. I should have told him the moment I came on board but I was scared too.
I noticed that the thousand sunny isn't at my island. "What happened when I was sleeping?" I asked myself.

Luffy p.ov
I opened my eyes and saw my clock it read 7:00am I groaned I hate getting up so damn early. I turned over to my right side hoping to see a sleeping y/n next to me but I found a empty space.
I got up from my bed and put some shorts on and walked out of my room.

I saw y/n sitting on the sunny head looking like she's in deep thought. Her hair moving because of the wind. I stood there admiring y/n for a few minutes before walking up to her.

"Good morning y/n" I said to her she jumped she turned around and saw me. "Morning luffy" y/n said getting off the sunny head and walked towards me. "Look luffy I'm sorry for telling you all that yesterday" y/n said looking down at the ground.

I put my index finger underneath her chin and gently pulling up her chin so y/n can look at me. "I'm not sorry because I got to know you. I want to know the bad and good about you" I said. y/n looked at me with stunned face. "So you don't think of me differently?" y/n asked.

I shooked my head no repeatedly at her. "No why would I what happened to you made you a fighter and I love that about you" I said

Arthur p.o.v
Luffy was scared be he accidentally let it slipped that he loves her. y/n on the other hand was in shocked she couldn't believe what luffy has just said. "What did you just say?" y/n asked hoping that what she heard was  true.

Luffy was scared to tell y/n I love you again because he didn't want her to reject him. "Um um I said um I love you y/n" luffy squeaked out. y/n was bursting with joy. She gave luffy a big smile "luffy I love you too" y/n said

"I love your childlike personality and how protective you are over your crew I love your smile and I could go on and on about the things I love about you" y/n said with loving eyes and a smile on her face. Luffy smiled at y/n he moved closer to her pulling her by waist. He felt goosebumps all over his arms and a tingling sensation in his stomach.

Luffy put his head on y/n head. I can't believe y/n feels the same as me luffy thought. Luffy looked down at y/n lips and up at her eyes "can I kiss you
y/n?" Luffy whispered to y/n.

y/n nodded her head luffy moved his head a little. Luffy slowly started to move closer y/n lips luffy attached his lips onto y/n lips. Luffy never kissed anyone before but he knows what kissing was thanks to usopp. y/n smiled in the kiss Pulling luffy closer towards her by his head.

Your p.o.v
After a few minutes of kissing I pulled away desperate for air. Luffy looked at me with a small smile "I never thought that would happen" I said.
Luffy chuckled at me. Luffy grabbed my right hand and intertwined mine with his.

"y/n I wanna know if you would be my girlfriend?" Luffy asked looking nervous at me. I would love to be luffy girlfriend but won't it be weird if I'm dating the captain? "Luffy I would love to" I said. "Really?" Luffy asked I nodded my head yes at him.

Luffy picked me up and started spinning me around laughing in my ear as we were spinning around.
Luffy put me down a few seconds later. "Luffy won't it be weird for everyone to see us a couple?" I asked
Luffy shooked his head no at me

"No because they would be happy for us" luffy said giving me a peck on the lips. "I'm hungry" luffy said rubbing his stomach. "Let's go find something to eat" I said grabbing his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen.

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