jealous luffy

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Luffy p.o.v
I was fishing with y/n and usopp. Well I was fishing while they were laughing at each other's jokes. I looked over at them y/n had her head against usopp shoulder wiping a fake tear. "Oh usopp that was funniest joke that as came out of your mouth yet"
y/n squeaked out trying to catch her breath.

I felt a pain in my heart. I wanna make y/n laugh like that. Y/N always had a golden heart it was really easy to make y/n laugh.

I got up and started to head towards the kitchen again. I opened the door and I immediately got hit with a pan.
"Ow what was that for!" I yelled at sanji. "I don't want you in here if you're going to keep eating the food" sanji said. I shook my head no at him

"No just thinking that's all" I said sitting down. Sanji gave me a stare but went back to cooking.

Why was I so hurt when I saw y/n with usopp I know they are very close but why  was i so upset? I felt pain in my heart just thinking about it.
I don't like this feeling.

"Luffy can you get everyone in here the foods ready" sanji asked. I nodded then got up from where I was sitting.

I walked out the kitchen and saw nami and y/n were in conversation about something. I walked over to them. They stopped talking once nami noticed me coming.

"Hi luffy what you need?" Nami asked me. Y/N turned around and and her face was red. I crouched down to y/n level
I put my hand on her forehead.
"Are you doing okay y/n you turned red all sudden" I asked. Nami smirked
Y/N gently grabbed my hand and took it off her forehead.

"I'm fine luffy- I interrupted her.
"Why's your face so red are you sick? I asked getting concerned. "Luffy I'm fine it's just got really hot all sudden" y/n said with small smile. I felt something tingle inside. This feeling felt great that other feeling I don't like that.

"Okay well the food is ready" I said helping y/n up from the floor. "Yes food I'm starved" y/n said. We all walked back to the kitchen with everyone already in there sitting.

I sat down between zoro and robin.
I looked to see where y/n was sitting.
My smile I had on my face disappeared to a flat line when I saw her sitting next to usopp.

Her smile was huge when she's with him. Why is she so happy when she with him? and what would they be talking about that would make y/n smile so big?

"Your staring" zoro said snapping me back me into reality. I looked at him zoro had a smrik on his face. I started to eat every now then I would glance at y/n and usopp.

I quickly finished my food and walked out. I walked into my room I layed down on my bed. I put my hat over head trying to take a nap. But I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

Zoro walked in closing the door behind him. "What's wrong captain" zoro asked. "Do you think y/n likes usopp?" I asked looking at zoro nervously. Zoro looked confused then his confusion turned his face turned into a sly smrik.

"I just don't like it when there together I get this weird feeling inside I get sad and it should be me to make her laugh and put  a smile on her face" I said to zoro who was sitting on my bed.

"It seems like you're jealous" zoro said
What's that? A new type of a food?
"What does jealous mean" I asked. Zoro chuckled at me "it means when you see someone you like with someone else and you don't like it" zoro explains.

"But I like y/n as friend" I said. Zoro rolled his eyes at me. "There's nothing to worry about when it comes to usopp" zoro said giving me a reassuring smile. Then we heard nami saying that we landed on an island

Your p.o.v (before luffy came to get you)

I was sitting with nami. Luffy ran off somewhere and chopper needed usopp help reranged his papers.
Guess now would be a great time to tell her about my feelings for luffy.

"So um don't laugh" I said to nami who just stared at me. "So um I think I like luffy." I said rubbing my shoulders nervously. "What makes you say that?" Nami questioned.
"I blushed when he smiles or laughs. I love his playful spirit or when he pouts when sanji says leave him to his cooking- I stopped when I saw a smirking nami looking at me

"What?" I asked "I don't think you like him" nami said "you don't" I said she shook her head no. "I think you're falling in love with our captain" nami said with a smug look.

"But I can't be in love with him he's my captain" I said. She shrugged her shoulders. "So?" Nami questioned
I opened my mouth but quickly closed it when nami greeted luffy who was behind me.

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