I just want you to myself

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Arthur p.o.v
y/n woke up having to go to the bathroom. But she felt a tight grip around her waist she felt her back against a chest. She tired break away from the grip but the grip tightened up more. y/n knew who's grip it was.

She put both of her hands on top of Luffy's  and she started pulling the hands away from her waist. Come on luffy I have to pee y/n thought struggling to break his grip from her.

After a few seconds of pulling she finally broke it y/n got up and went to the bathroom.

Luffy p.o.v
I woke up feeling cold I opened my eyes and saw a empty space to my right of my bed. Where did y/n go? I sat up in my bed fear rising inside of me. "y/n where are you?" I asked raising my voice a little.

I got no response I got up from my bed and walked out of my room and walked onto the deck I saw only robin on the deck."Have you seen y/n?" I asked robin. She looked at me "she's in the bathroom luffy she will be out in a second" robin said.

I felt relief throughout my body relax. I walked back into my room and sat on the edge of the bed waiting on y/n to get back.

After a few minutes later y/n walked back to my room she was looking down not noticed that I was awake. I stretched my arms and flung myself onto her wrapping my arms around her neck and my legs around her torso hugging her tightly.

y/n quickly wrapped her arms around my waist "luffy what's wrong" y/n asked I leaned away from y/n neck to look at her. She looked confused at me
"I just want you to myself for just today" I whisper towards her.

She smiled at me "luffy" y/n said with loving eyes. I got off of y/n I grabbed her hand and walked to the bed.
y/n sat on the edge of the ved with her legs little open. I walked in between her legs she looked up at me with a  shocked expression.

I put my forehead on hers. She closed her eyes more relaxed this time. I was  centimeters to her lips I put my left hand back of her head and my right hand on her waist. She opened her eyes "I missed you so damn much" I said closing the gap between us.

She kissed me back putting her arms around my waist I moved my left hand off her head and moved it around her waist. She licked my lip asking for permission I opened my mouth giving her permission.

Our tongues started wrestling with each other after a few seconds later I couldn't breath so I pulled away catching my breath "luffy I love you thank you for sticking by me and all the crap I went through and you  caring so much about me" y/n said

"You don't have to thank me for anything I'm supposed to take care of you as your boyfriend and your captain" I said  walking away and going towards the right side of the bed and laying down

y/n layed down on the left looking at me giving me a smile. Maybe this is the time to ask y/n to move in my room. "y/n I want you to move in my room" I said turning towards her

She smiled at me "I would love to" y/n said pecking my lips. Our door opened   in walk zoro "lunch is ready" zoro said what happened to breakfast.
"What about breakfast?" I asked
Zoro smirked at me "well sanji came in to tell you but you were playing tonsil hockey with y/n to notice so sanji left not wanting to interrupt" zoro said.

I groaned feeling embarrassed y/n thought it was funniest thing in the world because she started laughing until her eyes were getting watery.
"Oh my God I wished I could've saw sanji reaction" y/n said wiping away a tear. We walked into the kitchen zoro from behind.

Everyone was smirking at me and y/n
"Get over yourself everyone kisses" I said still feeling embarrassed that sanji walking in on us making out.
y/n started giggling walking away from me and sat down between usopp and nami while I  sat between sanji and zoro.

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