Heroic Grandson

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Zeus stood outside his mountainside cabin with a worried look on his face. He strained his eyes and looked toward the woods in hopes of seeing his Grandson.

But to no avail. The foliage was too thick.

"Damnit Regis! How could you lose sight of Bell like that!" Zeus yelled in anger.

Regis, his Grandson's companion and guardian, nervously paced back and forth. Regis was a canine that had bright red eyes and burning purple fur. Sticking out of the top of his head were two small horns. 

"I don't know he's sneaky! One second, he was there. The next, he was gone." Regis quickly explained.

Regis can also talk.

Zeus let out an audible groan. "Alright, specifics don't matter right now. Just go find a piece of Bell's clothes and smell them. We'll track him after that, and we are not coming back here until we find him!"

Regis nodded and quickly ran into the house. He went into his and Bell's shared room and found one of the boy's discarded shirts.

Sniffing it a few times, he quickly rushed back outside and saw Zeus hugging Bell tightly while two dirty cat-people stood behind the young boy.

"Oh, thank the gods, you're ok, Bell!" Zeus yelled.

A huge weight had just been lifted off of Zeus's shoulders as he held his adopted Grandson. Relief led to slight anger as Zeus let go.

"What were you thinking running off like that, Bell?! Do you have any idea how worried we were?!"

Bell dropped his head a little. "Sorry, Grandpa, but I liked playing in the trees."

Zeus sighed, allowing his anger to leave his body. "Bell, you can't go doing things like that. What if you got hurt?"

Bell's head further dropped as Zeus acknowledged the two cat-people. One was male, the other female, both in their late teens. One had black hair and black ears, while the other had brown hair and brown ears.

Both were dressed in little more than rags and were severely malnourished. The two looked at Zeus with apprehension and slight fear. Zeus could tell these two had been through a lot.

"Bell, where did you find these two?" Zeus calmly asked. His previous anger having left his body entirely.

Bell glanced back at the two before speaking to his Grandpa. "They were in a cage in the woods. These men were around them and were treating them poorly. So I used my magic and freed them."

Zeus's eyes widened in shock as he stared at his Grandson. Bell had just freed these two from slavers at five years old. He felt like his heart was going to stop.

Zeus took a calming breath. He wasn't going to yell at his Grandson again. Not when he had done the right thing, no matter how stupid it was. He would remain calm and passive.

"I see, and pray tell what you did to free them," Zeus asked, his voice shaking.

Bell placed his finger on his chin. "Well, I used my illusion magic to lure them away. They were kind of stupid to all go chasing after me. Then I climbed down from my tree and used my fire to cut the lock. But one of the men grabbed me after I finished, so I used flashbang and then ran."

Zeus felt his heartbeat quicken hearing the tale. But knowing that his Grandson was safe calmed him down.

"Alright, let's head inside. I can see you two are hungry." Zeus said.

The two looked at Zeus with scared eyes. They didn't trust him that much was obvious. Zeus didn't know what to do to make them trust him.

That was until Bell grabbed both of their hands. "Anya, Allen, come on. Grandpa won't hurt you."

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