You're not him

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"Um, hi." Bell awkwardly greeted the goddess. He had thought it was Demeter but it wasn't. It was a random woman he hadn't seen before.

She was short, around 5'5. The same height as Bell. With long blue hair that went down her back and light green eyes. Her outfit was white and blue with long brown boots. And attached to her belt was a dagger.

Bell had never seen this woman in his life, and yet the goddess was staring at him as if she hadn't seen him in a long time.

"Um, are you ok? Do you need any help?" Bell asked. He didn't wave his hand in front of her face nor touch her.

He wasn't a doctor and that would be kind of weird to do when meeting someone for the first time.

Yet her gaze weirded Bell out a little.

The goddess shook her head. Replacing the face she saw with the face of Bell. Her brows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

"Yes I am fine, can you please step back and give me some space?" The goddess barked.

Bell's face scrunched up in confusion as he took a couple of steps back. "Uh, alright. But you approached me since I was standing by the door."

The goddess didn't bother with a response as she turned her head. "Miach, I need to buy some potions for my familia. Around half a dozen boxes."

The god stood up straighter and began walking to the back. "Bell come help me with the boxes." He said.

"Ok," Bell replied, he followed the god to the back his face scrunched up in annoyance. "Wonder what crawled up her-

"Bell!" Miach hissed.

"Oh right, Regis isn't here. Whoops."

The goddess frowned as Bell and Miach disappeared from sight. Before smirking slightly and approaching the counter.

"Nazha, it's good to see you again. Are you still treated well in this familia?" She asked.

Nazha lazily nodded. "It's good to see you as well Lady Artemis. Yes, Miach still treats me fine, though Bell makes me want to throttle him half the time."

"You mean that boy? I'm guessing he's a new member since he's helping Miach. But he has a mouth that one. Was he getting ready to insult me?"

Nazha just nervously chuckled and rubbed her neck. "He's...rough around the edges to say the least. But he's also a good person, he got Miach and me out of debt. So as far as I'm concerned he's good in my books."

Artemis thought of the boy and again his face shifted into something else, someone else. But that wasn't supposed to be possible.

"Why am I carrying everything?" Bell asked as he and Micah walked back out to the front. His voice snapped Artemis from her thoughts and his face was Bell's again.

"Because you're a big strong level two now. Carrying a few boxes shouldn't be too hard for you." Micah teased.

Bell rolled his eyes and easily set the boxes on the counter. Each box contained 20 healing potions, 10 mind potions, and 10 stamina potions.

"Alright, that will be 15,000 Valis," Nazha said.

Artemis reached into her pouch and pulled out a 10k Valis coin and a 5k one. She handed them to Nazha and the woman smiled before glancing at Bell.

"Lady Artemis, you wouldn't happen to have anyone to help you carry these would you?" Nazha asked, her eyes flashing with mischief.

Bell slowly turned his head towards her knowing exactly where this was going. Nazha seemed to notice this as she could barely hold her smile.

Bell the white core mage Where stories live. Discover now