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Bell and Regis walked back to their cabin. A buck was slung over Bell's shoulders. Bell had just shot the deer in the lung and planned to eat it.

It was his 11th birthday today, so his Grandpa and Alfia told him to stay out of the house for the day. So he was playing in the woods with Regis until he spotted a beautiful buck from atop a tree.

Regis and him then spent the next few hours tracking it. After which, Bell shot it, and that leads us to here.

The sun was setting, and Bell could see his cabin come into view. He let out a tired sigh as he placed the carcass by his front door. He could skin it later.

He walked inside and saw his Grandpa and Alfia sitting in the living room. As well as a few guests. Bell knew two of them.

The smiling blonde cunt with the feather cap was Hermes. His legs were crossed, and his arm propped up. Resting his chin on his hand. The other was his captain, Asfi. She had made it to the dark silver core of her Mana Core.

However, there were two people Bell didn't know.

One was a goddess with golden blonde hair and hazel green eyes. She wore a blue toga with a pink sash over it. She was beautiful yet held herself as if she was better than everyone else.

Bell found that type of behavior ugly.

The other was a woman with cherry-red hair and pink eyes. She was beautiful, and her face was full of freckles. She wore a grey sundress and sandals.

Which was an odd choice for the mountains.

Bell couldn't feel any divinity coming from this woman. But that didn't mean she wasn't a goddess. The divine beings could suppress their divinity, making them appear as mortal as he was.

However, he noticed the sideways glare Alfia gave the woman.

"Ah, Bell, good your back. I assume your hunting trip went well?" Hermes asked, getting on his feet.

"Hmm, oh, hello, Uncle Hermes. It went alright, I killed a buck. Wasn't too hard." Bell said, washing his hands.

"Excellent, excellent. That'll be our dinner for tonight. Now I bet you're wondering why we're here?"

Bell nodded as he dried his hands. "The thought did cross my mind. Another one was who these two strange women are."

Before Hermes could respond, the blonde-haired goddess scoffed.

"Strange, I am not strange. You should be honored to be in the presence of the great Aphrodite."

Bell blinked as he stared at the goddess. Regis, on the other hand, looked at her chest and laughed.

"For a goddess of beauty, your tits are pretty small." Regis mocked.

Bell smiled and had to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing. Regis triumphantly smirked at the goddess, whose face was turning red in anger.

"I see you're still immature, Regis." The redheaded woman spoke.

"Shut up bitch." Regis snarled.

Bell was taken slightly off guard by the remark. Not because of the words but because of the tone. It was full of anger, not teasing.

Just who was this woman? Why did Regis seem to hate her? Bell never got any answers as his attention was driven back to Aphrodite.

Zeus looked at Regis and shook his head. Regis clicked his tongue and looked away.

Bell the white core mage Where stories live. Discover now