You're an idiot

299 17 13

Bell helped Aisha walk as he and the rest of his group left the pleasure district. The top half of Aisha's sword was buried into her thigh and had yet to be removed.

Her legs were also still weak from Bell's final strike against her. But Aisha enjoyed the fight nonetheless.

"You really gave me a beating there. You have a vendetta against women or something?" Aisha teased.

"No, I just learned to not hold back while fighting," Bell responded.

"Oh? Does that translate to other things?" Aisha cooed.

"Wouldn't know." Bell absentmindedly responded.

He adjusted Aisha's arm as there was a considerable height difference between the two. Making it rather difficult for him to help her walk.

As they left the pleasure district more and more people from the Ganesha familia and a few from the Astraea familia arrived to help with rescue efforts.

Walking for a little while longer the group eventually arrived at the Stardust Garden. Bell lightly kicked the gate and waited.

"You think anyone's home?" Regis asked.

"Yeah, the lights are on," Bell said.

Haruhime and Aisha remained quiet. The two didn't really know what to say now. They were free, and the prospect of freedom was liberating. As well as scary.

A second later the front door opened and Kaguya approached the gate. Her eyes widened briefly in shock before she hurriedly opened the door.

"Gods Bell what happened?" She asked helping Aisha walk.

"Long story," Bell responded.

The two escorted the injured Aisha inside to the living room where Miach and Nazha were sitting. They sat in chairs next to a fireplace that wasn't lit.

Scattered around were tables and couches with board games and plants as well. It had a very homey feel to it but Bell wasn't focused on that.

When they entered the room Astraea's eyes widened in shock. It was then Miach and Nazha turned around and Miach simply quirked an eyebrow.

"Guessing you tripped?" He calmly asked standing up.

"Yeah...let's go with that." Aisha and Bell responded.

Kaguya and Bell then sat Aisha down on the chair Miach had previously sat in. Nazha got up as well and took two potions out of her pocket.

Miach crouched down by Aisha's leg and examined it while Regis guided Haruhime to where Nazha had sat. The Renard took the chair slightly worried for her sister figure but knew she was in good hands.

"So Bell." Astraea began. "What did you do?"

Bell turned to face Astraea. His face still bleeding from the cuts in his cheek. "Uh, if I tell you the truth will I be in trouble?"

Astraea straightened herself. "No, well depends on what you did. You didn't break the law did you?"

Bell looked to Regis. "Uh, I don't think so. Hey Regis is freeing slaves illegal?"

"I don't know. It if is that's a dumbass law." Regis said.

Astraea sighed as she knew Bell was telling the truth. While yes freeing slaves wasn't illegal she could tell that these two girls were from the Ishtar familia. Kaguya quickly pieced this together too.

"You went to the pleasure district!" Kaguya gasped.

Bell pointed at Kaguya."Yes, but not for the reason you're thinking, and I also got caught up in the war there on complete accident."

Bell the white core mage Where stories live. Discover now