His Moment, His chance (Part 24)

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At 7:30, I was about to leave the ballroom, but out of nowhere  Kim Yoo-Ra -my ex-girlfriend-suddenly dashed in front of me, and I was shocked that she had the audacity to speak to me again. 

"Oppa! Dance with me!!", her voice slurred, and right away, I noticed that she'd been drinking.

"Go away, Yoo-Ra. We're not talking anymore.", I coldly replied.

"Oppaaa! You have to forgive me!", She screamed, trying to show some aegyo.

"Yoo-Ra, I'm warning you, leave me alone!", I yelled at her, completely annoyed at that point. First, Hae-Ri hadn't showed up, and now this idiot wasn't leaving me.

To my agitation, she threw herself at me; literally. She tripped over her own foot, and fell on me! Due to my usually caring personality, I grabbed her by the arm and helped her up, which made her even more greedy.

"Hae-Jun Oppa, can you gimme another chance? Jebal!! Sarangheyo! Jinja saranghae!", she said in a baby voice.

"Hae-Jun Oppa, can you gimme another chance? Jebal!! Sarangheyo! Jinja saranghae!", she said in a baby voice

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It totally disgusted me, this whole thing. I couldn't believe what I had got roped into. Maddeningly, Yoo-Ra grabbed the precious bouquet before I could even answer, and childishly hurried her head into it. She then jumped and grabbed my neck, almost throwing me down. I stumbled backwards, and pushed her away from me, but she hung on- like tteok.

I was just about to scream at her for the millionth time, when someone tapped my shoulder and called out my name, "Hae-Jun? Jinja mianhe-", and her eyes widened.

I just stood there, speechless. What was it with the bad timing lately? Hae-Ri must've got the totally wrong idea; and I didn't blame her for that at all. Too make things worse, Yoo-Ra was now totally out of her senses, so to prevent herself from dropping to the floor, the was still hooked on to me.

 I almost pushed her aside, but she swung her head forward and softly said to me, "See you tonight." 

I felt her behaviour -especially her words-  sickeningly abhorrent, and I squirmed. But I wasn't quick enough, and I noticed that Hae-Ri's eyes welled up with tears. She spun around, and ran out. 

"Yoo-Ra! Micheosseo?! Get away from me, you simp! I can't take this shit any longer! You've hurt me in the past, and I'm not gonna let you ruin it for me, again!", I yelled in agitation, throwing her to the ground. In my entire life of 21 years, I had never opted for violence, but I simply couldn't stand it this time.

"Oppa! Don't leave me! Fine, it's your loss!", she said, scrunching up her face, and bursting into tears. When we were dating, I had suggested her to stop drinking so often, but as usual, she paid no attention to my words.

At that point, a lot of people had started looking in our direction. Some were sipping on sodas, while others had glasses of cocktails in their hands. Without turning to look at Yoo-Ra even once again, I left the ballroom, and broke the code by entering the females' block. 

Was It All For Nothing? - By Sarah JajuWhere stories live. Discover now