Jessica (Part 12)

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The previous night, when Hae-Ri returned to our University from her field trip, she was in an unusually good mood, to the point that she was humming!

"Hmm mmm mmm....", she hummed, while unpacking her bag, "Jess, I got you something."

She held out her hand.

"Matching pendants! That's so cute, Komawo Hae-Ri Ya!", I said gratefully. Mine was a purple moon, while her's was black, "By the way, did something happen? You know, something...great?"

Hae-Ri burst out laughing, was she drunk? Because honestly, that's exactly what it looked like.

"You'd never believe who I met!", she said, joyfully.

"You met someone? Tell me, who?", I said, trying to understand what exactly was it, that she wanted to say.

"Jeon Hae-Jun! You know, the guy who works at the convenience store, the one who had to clean my spilt Gochujang!", she laughed, again.

"What? You mean, you met him at Namsangol Hanoks Village?", I asked, because this wasn't that big of a deal, she just bumped into him at one of the top tourist attractions of Seoul, right? Wrong.

"No! He's our senior, Jessica! The more I think about it, the more funny it seems. Imagine, I hadn't even noticed him, like ever, in the past two years, and now suddenly we're in the same group, isn't it weird?", she said, all in one breath.

I stood there, gaping at her. 

"Our senior? You mean, he's at our University? Like, here? Are you sure?", I questioned.

"Yes! We sat together in the bus while returning, that's when we recognised each other.I realised, you were right, jess! I should try socialising more, it's not that hard. Komawo, for believing in me.", she thanked.

"I told you! Now, tell me more about this, Hae-Jun. How is he, as a person, I mean.", I asked.

"Well, I can't say I know him, really. We've only talked once, but he seems like a nice person. He plays guitar, and even asked me if I wanted to do a collab with him. I'm pretty excited about that.", Hae-Ri told me happily.

"That's great! You've always wanted to collab with someone, haven't you?", I smiled.

She nodded. 

"Well, I hope you continue to talk. He sounds like a great person.", I said.

"Yeah, me too.", she agreed.

Was It All For Nothing? - By Sarah JajuWhere stories live. Discover now