...And We Go On (Part 31)

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After the previous day's episode, I was extremely anxious when Hae-Ri didn't turn up for class. I shot a glance at Min-Jae, hoping that he would have answers to my questions. 

To my complete annoyance, he asked, "Where's Hae-Ri, today?"

"Jugeullae?!", I whisper-screamed, unintentionally pouring my stress on him, "Oh, mian, I didn't mean that." (Do you have a death wish?! Sorry)

"Sorry if I upset you, I was simply asking because I was surprised that she's not attending her favourite class, especially since she hates bunking... ", Min-Jae stated matter-of-factly. 

"Exactly!", I broke out, not realising that I had raised my voice.

Mr. Jun caught me screaming red-handed, and glared at me from across the air-conditioned room with his beady black eyes.

"Miss Myres, do you have anything that you would like to notify us about?", he asked with a raised eyebrow. 

Ugh, I hated it when teachers said that. Honestly, it was that one iconic sentence that everyone had heard a million times in their school lives, and perhaps university life too- gosh, I hadn't dreamed of dealing with those words at 20.

I cleared my throat, and straightened out my lilac-tinted skirt. I gently stood up and said, "Yes, Mr. Jun. Oops, I mean, no...not really?"

All the students giggled at my accidental slip of tongue. I hadn't done it on purpous of course, but why regret it? I saw Mr.Jun's eyes fuming with anger, while the rest of the students had already forgotten the topic.

I returned to my work. For the first time during that class, I actually focussed on the task, and immediately started sketching a dress design, as asked. I struggled with the lower part, and envied Hae-Ri, who was amazingly talented with anything that was related to fashion designing. Sketching, sewing, embroidery, you name it - she could do it. 

I fixated my pupils on the warm-coloured  bulb, and felt the strain of the intence light in my eyes. For a few seconds, I was unable to see anything except for a really bright screen that looked like it had illuminated my world, no, Hae-Ri's world. Suddenly, through the light, it felt as if i could see bits of swirls of golden and silver. I closed my eyelids, and the image of the perfect dress popped into my head. I immediately popped my eyes open and quickly started sketching.


During our lunch break, I slipped out my phone and rung Hae-Ri.  I were getting anxious because she wasn't picking up. 

"Yah, are you still after Hae-Ri? Just deal with it man, you got rejected! People will think you're a perv if you keep stalking her!", Mino smirked from across the lunch table. He was that one person who I never seemed to get along with.

I clenched my fists and banged my hand on the table, "I'm not goddam stalking her you michinsaekki! She's my best friend and I dont know where the hell she is, she's missing!"

I got up from the table and dumbed my untouched food in the trash. I was about to go look for Jessica but decided not to when I saw her talking to Ho-Jin.

Suddenly, I spotted her. Hae-Ri, walking into the cafeteria, clinging onto Hae-Jun's arm. Even though I was desperate to see her for so long, at that moment, my heart dropped. Despite that nasty feeling of envy, I ran towards them.

"Hae-Ri yah! Where were you? Are you alright? Jess and I were so worried, you'd never miss fashion designing class! You're okay, right?", I hammered her with questions. 

For a couple of seconds, Hae-Ri stared at with blinking eyes, then giggled, "You done talking? I'm sorry...I collapsed again, luckily Hae-Jun was there. We've just been to the hospital. I left my phone at the room, which is why I couldn't contact you guys, mianhe!"

Was It All For Nothing? - By Sarah JajuWhere stories live. Discover now