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Siddhartha left his room and began searching for his sister, convinced that she must be somewhere within the palace. As the afternoon wore on, and his search proved fruitless, frustration began to consume him. Thoughts raced through his mind, wondering where she could be and why she seemed to have vanished without a trace.

In a state of unease, Siddhartha found himself back in his father's chamber, where he witnessed his father meticulously fixing his crown. The sight infuriated him. How could his father be so calm and composed, while his beloved sister was nowhere to be found? Anger welled up within him, threatening to burst forth like a tempest. Unable to contain his rage any longer, Siddhartha's fury erupted. He lashed out, flinging objects across the room in a fit of blind anger. The room became a chaotic symphony of crashing sounds as books flew off the shelves, papers fluttered through the air, and fragile ornaments shattered upon impact.

Siddhartha let out a piercing scream, his voice filled with frustration and desperation. 

Siddhartha:(he cried out) Where is my sister?

His father, taken aback by the intensity of his son's outburst, responded with a stern tone.

Vikram: (sternly)I have been searching as well.

Siddhartha's anger flared up once again, his voice rising in defiance. 

Siddhartha:(shouted) When will your search end?

Vikram:(his voice laced with exasperation) She is not a child anymore, and she may have her reasons for being absent.

Siddhartha:(frustration in his voice)She has been missing since last night! She is the princess of this kingdom, her disappearance is not something to be taken lightly. And yay! She is not a little child but because of all work you did, we have many enemies.

An arrow suddenly struck the ground behind him. He turned around, bewildered and shocked by the unexpected turn of events.

Siddhartha: What just happened? Who would shoot an arrow at me out of nowhere? 

Soldier: yuvraj, we check.

They quickly assembled a group of soldiers and made their way towards the spot where the arrow had originated.
Siddhartha's gaze fell upon the arrow, noticing a letter attached to it. With trembling hands, he carefully untied the letter and began to read its contents.

Siddhartha: (read the letter)"If you wish to ensure the safety of your sister, release Maharani Kritika of Jaisalmer unharmed," 

Then Siddhartha looks at his father .

Siddhartha: Let Maharani Kritika go... 

Vikram: it's not going to happen!

Siddhartha:(Angrily) I've already lost a lot of people because of you, but not anymore.

Vikram :(calmly responds) Siddhartha, trust me, it was all meant to be in your destiny. And what does this enemy have to do with Kritika? Is it Avneet...?

Siddhartha (voice rises with frustration): I don't know...anything. But what I do know is that you should set Maharani free, so that my sister remains safe...understand?

Vikram: (doubtfully) I don't trust's also possible that you are doing all this.

Siddhartha's voice quivers with a mix of anger and sorrow,: "Wow... so you really didn't trust me... but maybe I should have told you everything. Because you, Vikram, are nothing but a cheater, a liar. You manipulated me into deceiving Avneet. I betrayed her trust because of you. You promised me that her parents would be safe, but it was all a lie... you killed them."

Tears well up in Siddhartha's eyes as he continues,:"I never wanted to support you from the beginning. But on the day of my wedding, I discovered your wicked plan. I was forced to stand by you because you promised to spare everyone's lives. But you deceived me. You took away the love of my life. The one who taught me what love truly means, who showed me how to live with love. She trusted me more than anyone else."

Siddhartha's voice trembles with regret,: "And you know what I did? I killed her parents, shattered her happiness, and destroyed her dreams of a successful career. I did so much that now, perhaps, love has a different meaning in her life. When her mother entrusted her to my care, she asked me to take care of her daughter. And what did I do?"

A heavy silence fills the room as Siddhartha's heartache and guilt weigh heavily upon him. 

Siddhartha's voice quivers with a mix of anger and sorrow: Not anymore... Now my sister will not tolerate anything... because of you. You release Queen Krittika, otherwise I will free her from your clutches.

Vikram(while challenging him): You were doing this for so long but couldn't do it, so how will you do it now?

Siddharth leaves without saying anything. and goes towards his room. He goes to his room and sees Avneet sharpening her dagger. He sits quietly on the bed and gets lost in thought.

Siddhartha(thinking): Is Avneet doing all this somewhere? But if she did something, she would say it plainly and keep quiet behind her back. But if she did something, she would have said it in a challenging manner and not like this.

After a while,

Avneet goes to Siddharth and Siddharth is silently looking at her.

Avneet: What happened.. your sister was not found.

Siddhartha: Avneet...

He is shocked as to how Avneet is talking to him so comfortably.

Avneet: What happened, why are you so shocked? By the way, why are you so sad? she has been missing since yesterday and it's not so much time.

Siddhartha: She's my sister: And she disappears like this, then how can I live comfortably?

Avneet (with a soft smile): I wish you had thought about me in the same way.. You never loved me.

Siddhartha(surprised by her words): avneet..aisa nhi..

Avneet: You killed my parents. You have made me look like the murderer of my parents in front of everyone. I am here, away from my sisters or my aunt have been under your control for so long. And you just haven't seen your sister since yesterday.

Siddhartha:(asks hesitantly) Have you captured my sister? 

Avneet(ignoring his question and with an evil smirk): By the way, I was thinking that you made me a murderer in front of everyone, so why don't I become a real murderer?

Siddhartha(releasing her words): No Avneet...please not..

Avneet(with an evil smirk): why not..

As Siddhartha suddenly opens his eyes, he finds Avneet trying to wake him up. In a moment of panic, Siddhartha tightly grabs her hand, causing them to turn and Avneet to end up right beside him. Their faces are just inches apart, their eyes locked in a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

Avneet(shockingly wishper): Siddhart...tha

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