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Avneet:(shouts) Siddhartha... What do you think? Am I crazy? I don't understand anything. I will believe whatever you tell me. Why are you acting so much? I know your truth. You know it yourself. Because this fake drama you're doing can't change anything. It can't change my parents' death or the way my world changed that night. It can't change anything. Tell me... Can it change?

Avneet spoke these words with tears welling up in her eyes. And from her eyes, tears were flowing. Tears of betrayal. There was anger and pain in her voice.

Siddhartha: (whispers) Avneet... I understand that it may seem like I'm just putting on an act.

Avneet: (shouts) Yes! Isn't that exactly what it is?

Siddhartha: (calmly, but whispers) Avneet... I admit that I was involved in that plan that night, but...

Avneet interrupts him before he can continue.

Avneet: (shouts) Then you were involved in that plan. (She grabs his collar) The plan that led to the death of my parents. The plan that destroyed my life in just 2 minutes.

Siddhartha: (shouts, but pleading) Please, calm down. I can't bear any more accusations.

Avneet: Why... why... Mr. Siddhartha Nigam, can't you find the courage to face your own sins?

Siddhartha: (grabs her shoulder and pulls her towards him) You want to know... why? Because I was involved in that plan, but I had no idea that those people would kill your parents and try to harm you.

Avneet: Oh, really... From what I've seen and what I know... that plan was specifically designed for all of this... Just tell me the truth... Why? Why did it happen?

Siddhartha: I'm telling you the truth. If I wanted to take your life, I could still do it.

Avneet: Oh, so you've come to threaten me now? Is that it?

Siddhartha: No... I can't hurt you, even when I wanted to... You mean everything to me. I lied about that night to protect you.

Avneet: Oh really... So you didn't lie and create drama to trap me that night?

Siddhartha: Please, give me a chance to explain myself to you.

Avneet: I did give you a chance.

Siddhartha is shocked to hear her direct "yes" response.

Avneet: But not just by words... with proof.

Saying this, Avneet walks away from there.


Next day,
The early morning sun casts a soft glow over the bustling city as everyone set out on a mission to find Ashnoor. People from all walks of life were determined to locate her, their efforts intertwined with a sense of urgency. Meanwhile, in a secluded spot known only to a select few, Uranshi and Avneet were deep in conversation, plotting their next move.

Uranshi: So now what should we do? On the plan to kill Vinay or on the plan to rescue Ashnoor. Because there is no proof that Mahesh has done this.

Avneet: Until we find out whether this person who kidnapped Ashnoor and set the condition of releasing my mausi is an ally or an enemy. Because if they are an ally, then they must be the one who involved the other 6 kings in this plan. And if they are an enemy, then they want to tarnish my name.

Avneet:(thinks something and then say) It's possible that only that scoundrel Mahesh, who recently arrived, is behind all this. He could be involved in this plan.

Uranshi: And if it's not him?

Avneet: Let's do this. You keep an eye on that Vikram in the palace tonight, and I'll keep an eye on Mahesh.

Uranshi: Why separately...we can keep an eye on both of them together. They are both in the palace, right?

Avneet: But they won't be there at that time.

Uranshi: What are you planning to do, Princess?

Avneet: Just understand that I'm going to shoot arrows in the dark.

After that, both of them leave from there.


A few moments later, Avneet quietly slipped into Siddhartha's room, where he was absent. She swiftly grabbed two pages from Siddhartha's table and a pen filled with ink. With a mischievous smirk on her face, she began writing two letters. Once she finished, she securely bound them separately.


n the dimly lit evening, Vikram stood amidst his loyal soldiers, issuing orders to search for Ashnoor. Just as he was about to give his final command, an arrow swiftly flew through the air, landing at his feet. Attached to it was a mysterious letter. With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Vikram quickly unfolded the letter and began to read its contents.

Vikram (reading the letter silently): "You did nothing to protect Ashnoor, but I have successfully snatched Maharani Kritika from under your nose. And you were completely oblivious."

Vikram's voice reverberated through the air as he let out a resounding cry of disbelief and frustration. Doubt and anger surged within him, threatening to consume his every thought.

Vikram (his voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation): "No, this can't be true! No one could have done this. No one could have reached that far. But if it has indeed happened... I must quickly investigate and uncover the truth."

The letter slipped from Vikram's hands, falling to the ground.


Mahesh stood in the dimly lit store room of Rajmahal, his eyes scanned the surroundings in search of something. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to an arrow piercing the wall, accompanied by a letter attached to it. Intrigued and filled with a mix of confusion and fear, he swiftly plucked the letter from its perch and began to read its contents.

The words on the page sent a chill down Mahesh's spine.

Mahesh (reads the letter silently): What did you think that if you kidnapped Ashnoor or in return for releasing Maharani Kritika, these people would put all the blame on me as per your understanding. Well, you thought it was right, but I am ahead of you. Now Ashnoor is also with me. Safe and sound.

Mahesh: (He read the letter and thinks with confusion) This cannot happen. But most importantly Avneet is here and she knows everything. Has she really saved Ashnoor? But does someone want to trap me by making this plan? I should go and see that today itself.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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