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Avneet:(whispered) Sidd..Siddhartha

Avneet gets shocked to see him in that condition, drenched in sweat and panicking. Siddharth releases that it was a dream. And because of his action, Avneet is lying next to him right now. He is so scared of the dream that as soon as he makes eye contact with Avneet, he hugs her hard. Avneet gets shocked by his sudden action. But she is caressing his head to calm him down. She forgets everything for some time. That's when she remembers everything about that day and starts moving away from it but he is holding it so tightly that she is not able to remove it even if she wants to. Then she screams loudly.

Avneet(shout): Siddharth, wake up and don't do such crazy things. You are no child to be scared of a nightmare like that.

As soon as he understands Avneet's voice, he comes to his senses and quickly stands up from the bed. And she picks up a towel from the sofa next to her and starts wiping herself.Avneet also slowly wakes up from bed. And then Siddharth comes near her and speaks without looking into her eyes.

Siddhartha: sorry

Avneet looks at him.

Avneet: Because of what.

Siddharth looked at her and made eye contact with her and was about to tell her the reason of sorry for the recent incident when Avneet spoke.

Avneet:I mean for what just happened or for what you did earlier. What is it that you have done so much that I cannot understand what kind of apology I should consider your apology for?

Siddharth doesn't know how to say anything to her words: he just stands silently. She is about to leave when he stops her by holding her hand.

Siddhartha: (calmly) Avneet, I want to tell you a truth.

Avneet: And I don't want to listen.

Saying this, she starts leaving again but Siddharth stops her again by holding her hand but this time due to excessive force, Avneet collides with him. And Siddhartha also takes advantage of that opportunity and holds her waist with his other hand to make her listen to him. Avneet was also repeatedly trying to free herself from his hands. And Siddhartha was troubled again and again because of these attempts. That's why he would leave her and quickly hold her by both the shoulders and make her look into his eyes.

Siddhartha: (shouts) I was not involved in the plan to kill your parents. I was forced to do so. I did not know that my father Vikram was such a dirty person that he would take someone's life.

Avneet stops after listening to him and looks at him calmly.

Avneet: Wow! You were forced to be added to their plan. Even though you was added to the plan, you did not know about the plan. And yes, congratulations, now you know that your father is a such a scoundrel. One more thing which you are saying as someone, it was my parents.

Siddharth listens to her and removes his hand from her shoulder.

Siddhartha: tum ek baar hum par trust.....

(You trust me once...)

Avneet interrupts his words.

Avneet: Trust and on you. Let me tell you one thing, Mr. Siddharth Nigam, I am not an idiot that I will fall into your trap again and again. Got it.

Before Siddharth could say anything, Avneet interrupted him.

Avneet: And please stop this melodrama of yours. I know you were doing it for your sister. But there is no use. I did not get your sister kidnapped.

Saying this, she walks away and Siddharth is not even able to justify himself in front of her. He falls on his knees.


Avneet and Uranshi are together at their secret spot. And they are talking about the topic of Ashnoor being missing.

Avneet: After all, who is doing this?

Uranshi: He has not only kidnapped Ashnoor but has also put a condition of handing over your Mausi to him in order to release Ashnoor safely.

Avneet: Whoever this is, probably knows about us or is an enemy of Vikram.

Uranshi: But still why does he want to free your mausi?

Avneet: For treasure.

Uranshi: Who can do this, Yuvrani?

Avneet: That Mahesh. He knew that only she had the address of the remaining half map and locket of the treasure. And the clear thing, Vikram would not allow him to interrogate with my mausi, so he might be doing so.

Uranshi: Then we should first clear this Mahesh from our path.

Avneet: And let me say that this snake is still needed. Both of us will reach my mausi through him. And now whatever has to be done has to be done in its name.

Uranshi: So what should we do now?

Avneet: We just have to kill the youngest heir of the family of these Nigams who is following in the footsteps of his father and the rest will be done by itself.

Uranshi: Meaning now Prince Vinay will get the fruits of his deeds.

After that Avneet discusses the entire plan to kill Rajkumar Vinay with Uranshi and both of them leave from there.


It was getting to be night time. Avneet was secretly outside Mahesh's room and was spying on him.Apart from Mahesh, there were Siddharth's younger brother Vinay and elder brother Raghav in that room, who were dancing and drinking alcohol together after watching the dancers' dance.

Avneet was keeping an eye on them all when suddenly someone places a hand on her shoulder from behind and she gets scared then her eyes meet a familiar set of eyes which belong to none other than Siddharth.

Siddhartha(whispered): What are you doing here?

Avneet: tumse..(interrupted by siddhartha)

Siddhartha:Speak slowly, someone inside will listen and why is this veil not worn? If someone sees you in the palace then you will get into trouble.

Avneet: What is to you. And listen, stop your drama. I said, I have not kidnapped your sister.

Siddhartha: mai..

As soon as he says something else, Mahesh comes there.

Mahesh: You have come so late, Siddharth.

Siddhartha:(sarcastically) Thank you.. I didn't even know this.

Mahesh: Come on.. come inside now.

Siddharth gently asks Avneet to leave. And he goes inside but Avneet also follows him and Siddharth does not say anything to avoid any drama.

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