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Both of them go inside and Siddhartha takes his seat while Avneet stands beside him. Then Vinay, Raghav, and Mahesh start their conversation and drink alcohol placed in front of them to show off their mischievousness. And we were laughing while watching the dancing performers in front. Siddhartha just sat there quietly as if he had no interest. Then Mahesh looks towards Siddhartha and asks him why he is so quiet.

Siddhartha (sternly): I am not interested in talking nonsense.

Then Mahesh casually looks at him again and says with a suspicious gaze towards Siddhartha.

Mahesh (suspiciously): Are you sure she didn't come back?

Siddhartha looks at him without moving his eyelids and with a stern face.

Siddhartha: Speak clearly... who?

Then Vinay, in his drunken state, bursts into laughter.

Vinay (drunkly): Bhaiya... it's your beloved...

Saying that, he laughs loudly like a madman. Then Siddhartha, with the same stern face, says but his voice clearly indicated that he was controlling his anger.

Siddhartha: Vinay... if you don't know how to speak respectfully, then don't speak.

Then Mahesh speaks again.

Mahesh: Siddhartha, leave him... tell me... has she come back?

Siddhartha's face becomes anxious, and he sees him with stern face.

Siddhartha: I don't know anything, Whether she has come back or not, how would I know? What will I do by finding out?

Mahesh looks at him skeptically.

Mahesh: Are you sure you don't know?

Siddhartha's face becomes even more intense, and he says forcefully.

Siddhartha: I don't know anything, and even if I find out, I will never tell you.

After that,
Mahesh: If you don't know anything, then I know something.

Siddhartha looks at him with curiosity.

Siddhartha: What?

Avneet, who was standing next to them, wonders if he had seen her there that night.

Mahesh: A couple of nights ago, I went to Jayarth's mansion, where he was staying, to find some evidence.

Siddhartha asks him if he found anything.

Mahesh: Not much, but I did meet someone. And maybe it wasn't someone else, it was Avneet.

Suddenly, due to the shock, Raghav accidentally drops a glass and Siddhartha's clothes get ruined. Siddhartha quickly stands up and starts fixing his clothes. Then Mahesh tells Siddhartha to go and change his clothes. We'll talk about the rest later.

Siddhartha (asks): Forget all that. Did you really see her or are you just guessing?

Avneet, still hiding behind her veil, would have taken out the dagger from her table if Mahesh had actually seen her and knew something, so she is ready to attack him.

Mahesh: I am just guessing because I can't see the face of the person.

Upon hearing this, she puts the dagger back in its place.

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