Chapter 2: Whispers of the Giant Squid

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Chapter 2: Whispers of the Giant Squid

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧

The Slytherin common room hummed with post-festivity chatter, enchanted lanterns casting a warm glow on the green and silver surroundings. Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian, Aurora Carrow, and Imelda lounged on plush sofas, exchanging tales of their summer escapades with laughter and banter.

Sebastian, the eternal jester, couldn't resist teasing Ominis. "So, Ominis, what happened with you and Rory after Leander came by? Heard you threatened to hex the poor boy."

Ominis rolled his eyes, a smirk dancing on his lips as he crossed his arms, leaning further back on the loveseat he shared with Aurora. "That was all Rory here - should have seen it - her threats made me shake in fear."

Aurora rolled her eyes, playfully smacking Ominis' arm. "Shut it Gaunt, you can't see anything."

Sebastian grinned, blind jokes his favorite thing in the world - thankfully Ominis never took them seriously and appreciated the normality of it all. "I'm sure our boy Ominis sees a lot more than he lets on, isn't that right?"

A faint blush grew on Ominis' cheek going unnoticed by Aurora as he wiped out his wand sending a stinging hex Sebastian's way. "I'm blind Sebastian, I don't see anything and have no clue what you're talking about."

Sebastian gave a small smirk, undeterred. "Well, excuse me for not seeing the humor in it. Oh wait, that's your job."

The group erupted in laughter, the familiar camaraderie echoing in the common room. Imelda observed with a mysterious glint in her eyes, her lips curving into a subtle smile - oh how that small interaction showed so much.

As the banter continued, Ominis excused himself with a sly grin. "I need to check on something. Don't miss me too much, alright?"

Sebastian mockingly saluted him. "We'll try, but I can't promise any tears."

As Ominis left, the conversation delved into summer tales, magical mishaps, and Imelda's mysterious travels and new race records. Sebastian animatedly recounted his and Ominis' trip to Upper Hogsfield, embellishing the story with each retelling. Supposedly they had run into a few goblins which Sebastian, as he said, 'heroically fought off as he protected his poor friend Ominis.'

Aurora laughed along but couldn't help as her gaze lingered on the empty space Ominis had occupied. Her eyes lifted to the grand window at the back of the common, and there she watched as Ominis leaned against the piller, the moonlight casting a green light throughout the common room and across his face.

From here, safety at a distance, Aurora could observe what the summer had truly done to him. With no robe on, and the sleeves of his white button up rolled up to his elbows, she could eye the corded muscle along his arms without reservation. His arms were crossed across his chest as he leaned against the wall, his Gaunt ring still adorning his nimble fingers.

Taking a quick peak to make sure her other friends hadn't noticed her gawking, she quietly excused herself and made her way over to Ominis.

At the sound of her footsteps, a small grin formed on his face as Aurora approached him and the crowd of first years peering out the window in wonder. She knew immediately that Ominis was up to his usual trickery and telling the new first years about the Giant Squid that totally lived in the lake.

"I overheard some talk about the squid." She said by way of greeting, coming to a stop right next to her friend, "have any luck?"

Disappointed mutters filtered through the group of first years as they still had not seen the infamous giant squid - which everyone older than 12 knew did not exist.

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